formed an important addition, to the complement. of the Lady
Nelson, it will be proper to relate, .)Some of the eirGuinstances
under; which X received this- extraordinary man, whose constant
c^tle^s disposition prevented him from performing any fcldng he
undertook.,,Had this not been the case, he might h u v h ite te a f
infisit||jp|fioe in discovering the interiorjof New South'Ifeles.
J)r. Grant and Mr- I ’arquhar, Agent Victualler at the Cape*
haying on a tour to Elepbapt’a/Xtiver in the Last, and across
tire country to .Swell end am in the West, stopped a few .days oh
their return a t the baths a t Swaart Berg, found I)r. Brandt
practising the Jhealmg art^to the invalids who frequented theapu
Hearing o f &e arrival of a gentleman of Ms own profession, he
paid his respects to the visitors^ to whom he complained loudly
$£ the ingratitude of the Dutch in not re warding..professional
exertions, stating, th a t they had nearly consumed his stack ed
medicines* without returning him any thing to purchase moire r
lmwas-4hereforeanxkms to clmrigelfisquarters, more^partieU“
larlys as the Fr&ws in their Speeclqetrks used too great iiheteties
with him. On questioning the landlord of the house respecting
these circumstances*, it was easy to pirejaive th a t though- the
d9# o r did not profit by his abilities** y e t it had a visihJe«j@jP^®jt
on the landlord’s house* who found his visitors inerse^tse* he
threrefgwe laughed a t the «doctor s complaints* adding, it was his
own fault if he had not enough to satisfylhim ; as he had :a,;oonr
stant invitation to his house and ta b le ; b u t he was so „extraordinary
a man, th a tjie preferred a^peoeef te e a d a n d a draught
of water in a hovel by the side pf the hath, neglecting both- his
invitations and the patients to;,wander in the neighbouring
mountains' with his deg and his baboopi ,-rXt was ino uncomlfcion
thing ^or him to be absent for several days, and to return quite
exhausted with hq^ger and fatigue, with the acquisition of
a bag, filled with .herbs, roots and stones. This description
I 47 )
of the doctor, instead of having the effect the Dutch boor meant
it should,- interested'Dr. Giant much in the poor mans favour.
Had heipossessed ■ forbearance, tod© Ugh t o ’confine a proportion
of his marvetlons'ferhbMlishment's,' ; the-extensive ' knowledge he
possessed, of thfe d ead en d modern languages^would have corroborated5
thè iàcëOtiTÿtPtï'e igayè Of his haying à great property
on the Banks of’ the Rhine, whfchhethad quitted -on the approach
of the Fténch, âhdbf his declared aversion to democratic
principle? ‘As>to his knowfedg1®*^,médicine, hé- had studied
it à^ia-branch .©fSçiepçe. From- theme-count which‘he gave of
kimselfe and his wretched appearancéplMr. Farquhar, with
kindness-and ImiÈtaàit^.affêrld- him ah alylum- in his house
neâ|rf Capm Towp ; from whence; he ] mig|,t ( havet ejvgry 'conve-f
niency in the'accomplishment Of hisffâvouÿite excursions. Unfortunately
bediadtfbut . one-opportunity of doing this previous
to !-the dèathuhf his-worthy ’p a tro n .^ ^ b e arrival ■ of -the Lady
Nelson happened luckily > for the-'Dootdr, who had noW Jl^tet
with ass|i®^e friend- in Dr.hOrant ; l'and Ids X wanted 4 person
who11 combinM Medical knowledge 'With a turn ffOi-t Natural
History, he was recommended to nie-. Dr, Brandt wa's more
indifferent .inS^tipulating for himself than for. his baboon and
dqg> * which fjhe represented as th e faithful and ùsëfû] com-
ptfaioms Of his- wandering's.1- He expatiated warmly on: the1 set1
yih^stof thefformer. 1 To him he had been indebted' for ^sustenance
; for when in want of bread .he had recourse to routs,
which he first, offered to JackOO;' who having."examined?' and
tasted them, threw away with© disgust such as were prejudicial,
and eat such - as*. were otherwise^ .of which-the'Doctor partook,
As to his dog, *he guarded him' from-Volvë^.ahd\hyenas. Though
the whole of this party was father too great a n addition to so-
fiteall a- -vessel as minettytet I was » so mffch interested in the
poo#man’s situation,- that. Pgave-Idireetions for their admission.