as the Gapé öf Good Hope/ in ^vessels-which/ according, to the
opiniofi- of s'ofcfe who may be considered *as pompètent .judges,
were not fit to go itos^ea^i'Whilst’I.had the commandof theLady
Nelson she did mpfeflös«p$ single man, and'she arrived at Port
Jackson without the least damage,in hull, masts, sails or rigging,
which may in a great measure be attributed to her many excellent
' I f I have, in the least-contributed to the service of my King
and Country, I am well satisfied. I had d ifficultids: an d disadvantaged
to struggle ’with, which those only can1, cqnceivewho
have found themselves in similar situatiohSiy My little; vessel
sailéd oh her vbyhge with no. creditable report of her fitness for
the purpose; and even her successful performance* of it did pot
obtain her that praise whlch in my humble opinion she merits:
To conclude, I must say, that I risked my hiferand character, o n
the event cfeihe voyage, and sailed from England with vg^r
little assistance, her inferior size and peculiar construction hiding
deterred those Vrho might have been of the most use from,
engaging to sail in her.
A P P E N D I X .
■ | ■
C e rt^ ica tc s o f , jm , QMc&V$. o f tTi&AW-R&Mi, re sp ep tiiig the
Q u a litie s ^jf^that Vessels
Officlr^b^'fiis ^ajestfjJjfcMifef,* the" Trial, do hereby certify,
.saitf ^utterHvith three Slidin^teelsj^^^ps, from the effeht of
wear.1 steer upbn a wind; Saif fast,1Work to windward,
.and'hSSifa good, ^indT,-^arid matxnl'Reels Work with ea^'afad aVehot
aitprcfeSiiv ith any incpn.vpnie.ncy,to the w©rki n g f ‘vefsel:;A n d we
also eeitify that we see no difference in heaving up or down the Keels
in hlo^ing weathel, or irvla.|ea/ but that they work equally we^l in all
saftskof' weather; and that these Keel« arei'in'qu^ opmiqp/ /a great im-
liptaf’ement, ancf are still capable of greater improvements*: And we further
certify, that when the vessel rolls deep in a high sea, we do not ob-
liWtb that the Kdeb retrain the vessel, the Wells, decks, beams hr sides,
or are in the least attended with any b ^ 'tid ^ q ti^ ic e s ; hut on the fetor
tra-ry*' when down, make the/ vessel much^asieri and prevent per rolling
s o ^ i c k : Arid we further certify,- that we never #ej$e fn any'vessel p i
sizp and d raught of water, that sailed faster* or iCalfied a. gibater
pr&s* of sail, ©r made better weather: And we also certify, that such of
the Seamen A^bSwksailediln^ciitters, say, that they never Were I® ©nie
sotoy^br that'made such good weather> ^e: further'fflirfify, tiaatfit is
our opinion, that i f the forir bulkheads in the hold were taken away, and
that her mast and "sails were in proportion to her tpnnage, and that she
was coppered, n'otwithstandlng her uncommon strerigth, -^he would sail
much faster than she new does : Arid we also certify, that frbm the thir-d
b b ” . .. ; 'S * t ^ I p s t a n t