
*77** October, rocky fhores *, agreeably to the obfervation in Lieutenant;
Cook’s voyage in the Endeavour. Albatrofles, pintadas,
and petrels of all kinds, amongft which was alfo the fulmar,
(procellaria glacialis,) were now daily obferved.
On the 17 th, we had an alarm that one of our crew
was overboard, upon which we immediately put about,,
but feeing nothing, the names of all perfons on board
the veffel were called over, and none found miffing, to-
our great fatisfaftion. Our friends on board the Adventure,
whom we vifited a few days after, told us they had-
indeed fuipcXed by our manoeuvre, the accident which1
we had apprehended, but that looking out on the fea,,
Capt. Furneaux had plainly obferved a fea-lion, that, hadt
been the caufe of this falfe alarm.
* See Hawkefworth’s Compilation, voll II. p . 14. W e find another-
remark at the end o f that above quoted, which is o f very different valiie, and'
feems to indicate that the ancient authors, were- not confuted. Whoever, has,
looked into Pliny, can never have the leaft idea, that the thin {hell afore-mentioned
could be « tb e p u r p u r a - o f the ancients.” T h e y had feveral kinds o f
{hells, ' which yielded the purple dye-, but thefe were all rock-fhells. E a r n e r
g e n e r i p l u r a , t a b u l a e t s o l o i i f t r e t a , lib. ix. oap. 61.. E x q u i r m t u r am ru s s c o f u l i ,
g a t u l i m u r ic ib u s a c p u r g u r i s , lib. v . cap. 1 . It is equally clear and uncontrovertible
that the figure and hardnefs of their purple {Hells were vefy différent from thofe
o f the little M i x j a n t h im . P u r p u r a v a c a t u r , c u n im l a l im p r o m r r c n t e r a f t r a e t c u m .
c u ti la te r e i n t r a r f u s tu b u la te q u a . p n f e r a t u r l in g u a l lib .ix . cap. 61.— L i n g u a p u r f u r a r
lo n gti-udine d ig i t a l i s q u â p a f c i t u r , p e r f a r am lo r e l iq u a c am h y l ia , t a n t a d u r i t i a am le o
ejl, lib. ix. cap. 60.__Frceterca clavatum eft a i turbinent ufqueaculcis in urban feptemr
fire, lib. ix. cap. 61. Don Antonio Ulloa, in his voyage to South-America,,
book IV . chap..8. may be confulted on the fubjedt.
On the 1 9th we had a great fouthern fwell, and faw a oCT'o7/E'R.
- , r Monday 10.
large whale, and likewife a fifh of the mark genus,, of a
whitilh colour, with two dorfal-fins, and its length about
eighteen or. twenty feet. As we had been a confiderable
time at fea, the Captain had for fome weeks paft ordered
four-krout (or cabbage fliced and fermented) to be regularly
ferved to the crew, at a pint per man on meat-days,
which was four times a week. The Lords of the Admiralty,
attentive to every circumftance which bids fair to-
preferve the health of feafaring men, had ordered a very
confiderable quantity of this falutary and palatable food to
be put on board both of the fhips, and the event has,
proved that it is one of the heft prophylaxies againft the
On the 24th, the Adventure being a great way affern, .Saturday-
the captain ordered a boat to be hoifted out,, and feveral
officers and other gentlemen, went a fhooting, which gave
us a frefh opportunity of examining the two forts of alba-
trofies, and a large black fpecies of ffiear-water, (procellaria■
cequinoSUaUs.), Our navigation,, which for nine weeks paft.
had been, out of fight of any land, began to appear dull
and tedious, and feemed to be diftreffing to many who
were not ufed to an uniform reclufe life on board a fhip,.
without any refrefhments or variety of feenes. We
fliouid have found this long paffage equally difagreeabie,
if it had not fupplied us with employment from time to;