P R E F A C E .
T TIS T O R Y does not offer an example of fuch dif-
interefted efforts, towards the enlargement of human
knowledge, as have been made by the Britifh nation, fincq
the acceffion of his prefent Majefty to the Throne. America,
with all its riches, might long have remained undifcovered,
if the unequalled perfeverance and the glorious enthufiafm
of Columbus had not providentially furmounted every
difficulty, and, in fpite of ignorance and envy, forced their
way to Ferdinand and Ifabella. That immortal navigator
was protefted at laft, only becaufe he opened a new and
evident fource of gain. But a friendfhip between Plutus
and the Mufes was too Angular to be fincere; it only lafted
whilft they, with no better fuccefs than the Danaids, poured
heaps of gold into his treafury.
The triumph of fcience was referred to later periods of
time. Thrqe voyages of difcovery, from the moft liberal
motives, had already been performed, when a fourth was
undertaken by order of an enlightened monarch, upon a
more enlarged and majeflic plan than ever was put iij
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