O c t o b e r .
high degree of virulence ; one man in particular had his
whole back and Ihoulders covered with a large cancerous
ulcer, which was perfectly livid within, and of a bright
yellow all round the edges. A woman was likewife unfortunate
enough to have all her face deftroyed by it in
the moft (hocking manner ■; there was only a hole left m
the place of her nofe; her cheeks were fwelled up and
continually oozing out a purulent matter; and her eyes,
.feemed ready to fall out of her head, being bloody and fore.
Thefe were fome of the moft miferable objedts I recollect
ever to have feeU; and yet they feemed to be quite unconcerned
about their toisfoftuhes, traded as bnfldy as any of
the reft, and what was moft naufeotis, had pfovifions to
ffter dinner Dr. Sparrmatt remained on board with me,
in order to arrange- oUr acquifitions of the morning, and
my father again accompanied the captains to the Ihore, with
a view to colled! a frefti fupply. They returned about fun-
fet, and my father gave the following account of this
<■ At the landing-place the native's welcomed us with
fhouts as in the morning, and the Cloud being as numerous
as ever, the trade was carried on very brilkly, but pro-
vifions werefcarce, and (haddocks in particular not at all to
be had, as the feafon was not yet fufficiently advanced. Mr.
Hodges, myfelf, and one fervant, left the trading place with
itwo of the natives, whom we engaged to become our
guides in cafe of necelfity, and walked up the hill to view
the interior part of the country. Our walk lay through a
■ number of rich plantations or gardens, enclofed as before
■ mentioned with fences of reeds, or with quick-hedges of
the beautiful coral flower, (erytbrina corallodendron.) Beyond
■ thefe we entered into a lane between two enclofures, and
obferved bananas and yams planted in rows on both fides,
-with as much order and regularity as we employ in our
agriculture. This lane opened into a fine extenfive plain,
covered with rich grades. Having eroded it, we met with
a moft delightful walk about a mile in length, formed of
four rows of coco-nut trees, which ended in another lane
between plantations of great regularity, furrounded by
(haddocks and other trees. It led through a cultivated valley
to a fpot where feveral paths eroded each other or met
in one. Here we faw a fine lawn covered with a delicate
green turf, and furrounded by large fhady trees on all fides.
In one corner of it there was a houfe, which was empty
at prefent, its inhabitants being probably by the water’s
fide. Mr. Hodges fat down to draw this delightful fpor.
We breathed the moft delicious air in the world, fraught
with odours which might have revived a flying man; the
fea breeze played with our hair and gently cooled us ; a
number of fmall birds twittered on all fides, and many
.amorous doves cooed harmonioufly in the deeped (hade of
Yon. I. L 1 1 the