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r o u n d T H E
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B 0 0 K 11.
C H A P. 1
Run from the Society Ijles to the Friendly IJtes, with an Account of out
Tranfaffions there*
X Y J F cleared the reefs of Hamaneno'towards tea W o’clock, and fleered .0 the W. S. W. having the
iflands of Raietea, Taha, and Borabora in fight. Only one-
month had elapfed fince onr arrival at Taheitee, and yet
we found ourfelves recovered from the effedcs of a long;
uncomfortable cruize in cold wet climates, and during the-
worft of feafons; and all thofe who had the ftrongeft fymp-
toms of the fcurvy at that time, were now as perfeftly re-
ftored to their health as the reft. The vegetables of this,
delightful group of iflands had, in all likelihood, principally
effected our cure, efpecially as we left our firft place
of refrefhment, Aitepeha, in a tolerable ftate of convalefcence*.
cence, though we had not then tailed any frefli animal
food. Our profpedt for the next month to come promifed
a continuance of health, for we carried with us between
two and three hundred hogs in each {hip, befides a num*
ber of fowls, and fome dogs, together with a great quantity
of bananas, which formed a hind of orchard on our
poop. It is true the want of room occafioned the death of
feveral hogs, and the obftinacy of the old dogs in refufing
to take any fuftenance, deprived us of the greateft number
of thofe animals. But we foon took an effedtual method
of faving our provifions by killing all the hogs which
were weakened by confinement, and ftrewing the meat with
fait. By this means it was preferved, and remained palatable
and' juicy without being fo unwholefome as the
pickled meat we brought from England, which was now
fo penetrated with fait, that if we attempted to fweeten it in
water, we extra&ed all the remaining juices. The only inconvenience
which the flay among thefe ifles had brought
upon our feamen, was a complaint which arofe from their
own intemperance, in carrying on a free connection with
common women. But this, though many of them were
affefted with it, was fortunately of fo flight a nature, that
it did not, in general take them from their duty, and
yielded quickly to the gentleft remedies.
Our young friend Hedeedee, whom we had taken with
us inftead of the Taheitian Porea, felt himfelf much affect-
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