V 0 Y A G E
W O R L D.
B O O K 1 .
C H A P . I.
Departure—^PaJfage from Plymouth to Madeira— Defcription of
that Ifland,
Ubi animus ex multis mi ferns atque periculis requievit,— ftatui res geftas—-per-
fcribere j tarnen (hoc) imprimis arduum videtur,— quia plerique, quae deli&a
repfehenderis, malivolentia et invidia putant; ubi de magna virtute et gloria
bonorum memores, quae fibi quifque facilia fa&u putat, aequo animo accipit}
ifupra ea, veluti fi&a, pro falfis ducit. Sallust.'
A VOYAGE to explore the high fouthern latitudes of
our globe was refolved upon, foon after the return
of the Endeavour in 17 7 1 . Two flout vefiels, the Refolu~
tion and the Adventure, were fitted as King’s floops for that
purpofe, and the command of them given to Capt. J a m e s
C o o k and Capt. T o b i a s F u r n e a u x . On the 1 ith of June,
1772, my father and myfelf were appointed to embark in
this expedition, in order to colled, defcribe, and draw
Vox.. I. B the
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Thurfday i