of our power. Captain Cook fired a mufket over his headj,
.A ugust. upon which he took to the water again, and overfet the
canoe. A fecond mufkec was levelled at him, but he
dived when he fa-w the flalh, and did the fame when the
third was difcharged. Captain Cook now manned his boat,
and went to take the canoe, under which the man took
fhelter but he foon abandoned it, and fwam to a double
canoe near the firft, which was accordingly purfued. This
canoe however got alhore through the furf, and the natives
on the beach took up ftones, which they levelled at our
boat’s crew, who thought it advifeable to retreat. However,,
a four pounder directed towards the fhore, frightened the
inhabitants fufficiently, fo that our people could feize two
large double canoes, and bring them along-fide of the £hip.
We left the fliip after this difturbanee, in order to take,
an afternoon’s walk alhore near- the watering-place, and
to reftore the confidence of the people,, who had entirely-
forfaken us on account of our open hoftilities. We purfued
a different path from that which we had taken in
the morning, and found great quantities o f bananas,,
yams, eddies, &c. planted round every cottage, inhabited
by friendly good-natured people, who feemed however
a little more fhy or referved than ufual, on account
of what bad happened. At laft. we arrived at a
large houfe, neatly conftructed of reeds, which we were:
told belonged to Aheatua, who was in another diftrict:
2 7 S
at prefent. Here we . faw a hog, and a couple of Au'” ^_
fowls, the firft which the natives c-xpofed to our fight,
having hitherto been very careful to conceal them, and
always refufing to part with them, under the pretext that
they were the property of the aree or king. They made
ufe of the fame excufe at prefent, though we offered a
hatchet, which -in their eyes was the moft valuable mer-
chandife we had. After a Ihort flay, we returned the fame
way we came, and brought a fmall collection of new plants
on board. About fun-fet a boat was fent off, out of the
harbour, to bury in the fea one Ifaac Taylor, a marine,
who died this morning of a complication of diforders.
Ever fince we had-left England, this man had been feverilh.,
-confumptiye, and afthmatic.; his complaints always kept
increafing, and at laft turned to a dropfy, which carried
him off. All our people on board were now well, except
one, whofe remarkable fcorbutic habit of body always laid
him up as loon as we came out to fea, where prophylactics
and wort ..could but juft keep him alive. However this
man, as well as the Adventure’s crew, who were much
affected with the fcurvy when they came in here, recovered,
amazingly by walking on fhore, and eating quantities
of frefh fruit.
. Early the next. morning fome of the natives -came off ThurHay
to us in a fmall canoe, and begged for the reftitution of
-thofe larger ones which had been taken from them on the
N n 2 day