
fenfes were charmed by beauty, fymmetry, harmony, and
magnificence; they called aloud for gratification, and he
was accuftomed to obey their voice. The continued round
of enjoyments left him no time to think of his future life ;
and being deftitute of the genius of Tupaj'a, whofe fuperior
abilities would have enabled him to form a plan for his
own condudt, his undemanding remained unimproved. It
can hardly be fuppofed that he never formed a wifli to obtain
fome knowledge of our agriculture, arts, and manu-
faftures ; but no friendly Mentor ever attempted to cherifh
and to gratify this wifli, much lefs to improve his moral
character, to teach him our exalted ideas of virtue, and the
fublime principles of revealed religion. After having fpent
near two years in England, and happily undergone inoccu-
lation for the fmall pox *, he embarked with captain Cook
in the Refolution, which failed from Plymouth in July
1776. The various fcenes of debauchery, which are al-
moft unavoidable in the civilized world, had not corrupted
the natural good qualities of his heart. At parting from
his friends his tears flowed plentifully, and his filence and
outward behaviour proved him deeply affe&ed. He carried
with him an infinite variety of drefies, ornaments, and
other trifles, which are daily invented in order to fupply our
* T h is difeafe proved fatal to Aotourou, the native of O-Taheitee,- whom M . de
Bougainville brought toFrance , and who. received nearly the feme education as
O-M a i.
artificial wants. His judgment was in its infant ftate, and
therefore, like a child, he coveted almoft every thing he faw,
and particularly that which had amufed him by fome unex-
pefted-efFeft. To gratify his childifh inclinations, as it fliould
feem, rather than from any other motive, he was indulged
with a portable organ, an eledtrical machine, a coat of mail,
and a fuit of armour. Perhaps my readers expedt to be
told of his taking on board fome articles of real ufe to his
country; I expedled it likewife, but was difappointed.
However, though his country will not receive a citizen from
us much improved, or fraught with valuable acquifitions,
which might have made him the benefadtor, and perhaps
the lawgiver of his people, ftill I am happy to refledt, that
the (hips which are once more fent out upon'difcovery, are
deftined to carry the harmlefs natives of Taheitee a prefent
of new domeftic animals. The introdudlion of black cattle
and fheep on that fertile ifland, will doubtlefs increafe the
happinefs of. its inhabitants ; and this gift may hereafter be
conducive, by many intermediate caufes, to the improvement
of their intelledlual faculties. And here I cannot but ob-
ferve, that confidering the fmall expence at which voyages
of difcovery are carried on*; the nation which favours thefe
enterprizes is amply repaid by the benefit derived to our
fellow-creatures. I cannot help thinking that our late voy-
* T h e whole expence o f the voyage in which I embarked did not excceed the
fum of 250001. including all extraordinary, difburfements.
Vox,. I. b age