
tion was an unnatural one; an idea that feems to have
occurred to Horace, when be lays,
Necquicquam Deus abfcidit
Prudens oceano diflociabili
Terras j ft tamen impise
- Nop tangen^a rates tranfiliunt vada. H or,.
In vain did Nature’s wife command
^Divide the waters from the land,
I f dating, (hips and men profane,
Invade th’ inviolable main. D ryd en .
On the 22d, we faw- the lighthoufe near Corunna, or, as
our failors abfurdly call it, the Groyn, I;t was perfectly
calm, the water fmooth as a mirror, and the hilly pro-
fpeft very agreeably varied by corn-fields, inclofures, fina-ll
hamlets, and gentlemen’s feats, every thing confpiring to
banifli the remains of the fea-ficknefs entirely from
amongft us, and to bring back that chearfulnefs which
could not well keep company with empty ftomachs and a
tempeftuou-s fea. In the evening we were near a final!
tartan, which we took- to be a fifhing- veflfel* from- the
Spanilh coaffc; and in that- per-fuafien, a boat was hoifted
out and fent towards her, in order, if poffible, to purchafe
fome frelh filh, In going thither we obferved the-whole
furface of the fea every where covered with myriads of
little crabs, not above an inch in diameter, which we
found were of the fpecies called cancer depurator by Lin-
næus. The little vefifel proved to be a French -tartan
from Marfeilles, of about roo tons burden, freighted
with flour for Ferrol and Corùrtfla. The people in her
begged for a fmall fupply of frelh water, having been
driven far from their courfe by contrary winds during
two months, by which means this necefiary article had
been exhaufted above a fortnight ago, and they were reduced
to live "upon bread and a little wine. Whilft they
continued in this diftrefsful fituation, they had met with
feveral fliips at fea, and efpeeially with fevèràl Spanilh
men of war, though none had been humane enough to
alleviate their fuffcrings. When the officer' who com--
manded our boat heard this actount, he fent their empty
barrels on board our veffd to be' filled with frelh water,,
and their eyes fparkled with the livelieft expr'effion of joy
when they received ir. They thanked Heaven and us,,
and rejoiced that they fllOuld flow be able to light their
fire again, and be comforted With fome boiled provifions,
after their long- abftirience. So true is it, that a man with -
a feeling humane heart, may often, at a very cheap rate,,
indulge the inclination to affift his fellow-creatures;
The next afternoon, three Spanilh men of war palled
us, Handing in for Ferrol; One o f thêm feemêd to be a-
74 gun Hiip, and the two others carried-about 6 o guns
each. The fternmoft firfif hoifted Englilh colours, but
when -
1774. JUL
Thurfdaÿ 2 j