17n- but none of them {hewed that aftonilhment, and that degree
of reflection and attention, which our old friend at
Du iky Bay had manifefted on coming aboard. Some of
them were ftrangely marked in the face with deeply excavated
fpiral lines ; a n d one of them in particular, a tall
and ftrong man, and nearly middle-aged, had thefe marks
very regular on his chin, cheeks, forehead, and nofe, fo that
his beard, which would other-wife have been very thick,
now c o n f id e d only of a few draggling hairs. This man’s
name was Tringho-Waya, and he feemed to have fome-
authority with his people,, which was more than we had
hitherto obferved among the fmall number who had vifited
us, The chief objeCt of their commerce were fliirts and
bottles, of which Tad they were remarkably fond; perhaps
becaufe they have nothing in which to keep liquids,
except a minute kind o f calabafh or gourd, which grows,
only in the northern ifland, and was extrmely fcarce
among the people in Queen Charlotte’s Sound. They
were not inclined- however to make difadvantageous bargains,
and demanded the bed price for every little- trifle-
which they offered for fale, though, they were, never offended
with a refufal. Some of them being in remarkable'
good fpirits, gave us a heiva^ or dance, on the quarter-deck.
They placed themfelves in a row, and parted with their
fliaggy upper garments : one of them fung fome words
in a rude manner, and all the reft accompanied the geftures
he made, alternately extending their arms, and {lamping
with their feet in a violent and almoft frantic manner.
The laft words which we might fuppofe the burden of the
fong, or a chorus, they all repeated together; and we could
eallly diftinguifli fome fort of metre in them, but were
not dire they had rhimes. The mufic was extremely
rough, and of no great extent in thefe kinds of fongs.
In the evening they all went off again, and returned to
the upper part o f the found from whence they came.
The next morning we accompanied the captains Cook Wednefdayj,
and Furneaux to Eaft Bay, and Grafs Cove, where they
intended to coll eft a load of antifcorbutic greens. We
had not only endeavoured to leave ufeful European roots
in this country, but we were likewife attentive to flock its
wilds with animals, which in time might become beneficial
to- the natives, and to future generations-of navigators.
To this purpofe captain Furneaux had already fent
a boar and two fows to Canibal Cove, where they had
been turned into the woods to rangeât their own pleafure ;
and: we now deprived ourfelves, with the fame view, of a .
pair of goats, male and female, which we left in an unfrequented
part of Eaft Bay, Thefe places had been fixed
upon, in hopes that our new colonifts would there remain
unmolefted by the natives, who indeed were the only enemies
they had to fear, as their inconfiderate and barbarous
temper would not fuffer them, to make any refledtion on
f i l l !