beads, but they always threw them away with contempt,,
as far as ever they could. Whatever elfe they faw about
us, they were defirous of poffeffing, though they had
nothing to give in return. Their number was now de-
creafed nearly to one half, many of them having probably
gone home to their dinners ; however, the number of women
was always remarkably fmall in proportion to the-
men, there being not above twelve or fifteen at our firft
landing, and about fix or feven when we embarked again.
They were neither referved nor cliafte, and for the trifling;
eonfideration of a fmall piece of eloth, fome of our failors
obtained the gratification of their defires. Their features,
were mild enough, and the large pointed cap gave them;
the air o f profeffed wantons.
We returned on board the fhip before noon, and found;
it at anchor,, though we had left it under fail. The-
. frefh fruits and roots which we brought on board, were-
immediately diftributed as far as they would go, and proved;
a mod feafonable refrefhment to our lick. We tailed the-
fowls, which feemed to have been drefled under-ground, by
means of hot Hones being wrapped up in green leaves, in-
the manner praftifed amongft all the nations of the South
Sea, whom we had hitherto vifited. The potatoes were ofl
a gold-yellow colour, and as fweet as carrots, therefore-
not equally palatable to us all ; however they were extremely
nourilhing, and very antifcorbutic. The juices of
this, and all the other vegetables on this ifland, feemed to -m,
. , March»
have been concentrated by the drynefs of the foil. Their
bananas were reckoned very delicious in their kind, by
thofe who were fond of this fruit, and their fugar-canes
were fweeter than any we had tailed at Taheifee.
In the afternoon we returned on fliore again, and an
officer went with another boat to fill water at the well.
We found but few natives near the landing-place, and
among them was one, who appeared to have fome little
authority, and readily accompanied the captain wherever
he went. He was not fo timorous as the reft of his countrymen,
but walked boldly along with us, whilft the
others were alarmed- at the leaft motion which appeared
unufual to them. This difpofition, however, did not prevent
them from picking our pockets, or Healing any thing,
which fuited them. We had not been half an hour on
Ihore, when one of them came behind Mahine, and very
nimbly fnatching a black cap from his head, ran off with
the greateft velocity over the heaps of rugged Hones, where,
it was impoffible to follow him. Mahine was fo furprifed,
that it .was fome time before he could find words to complain
to the captain; and when he did it, the thief was-
already at a great diftance. About the fame time, as Mr..
Hodges was fitting on a little eminence, and fketching a
view of the country, one of the natives ran off with his;
hat in the fame manner. Mr. Wales was Handing by him*
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