
' 177 V “
M A.v.
.Monday 24.
bility. Some of our people having made ufe of their
canoes in the afternoon to tranfport themfelves to the
fhore, they came into the cabin complaining to the captain,
whofe authority over the reft they very well conceived -,
and their embarkations being reftored to them, they all
went away highly pleafed.
The next morning at day-break they returned, but
brought four other perfons with them, one of them a
woman, with fome children, and traded as ufual about the -
fhips. The captains embarked with us after breakfaft, in
order to vifit an extenftve inlet on the northern fhore of the
found, which was called Weft Bay in the Endeavour s
voyage. On our way we met a double canoe, manned
with thirteen perfons, who, coming along fide, made acquaintance
with Captain Cook, and feemed to recolledt
him, by enquiring for Tupaya, the native of O-Taheitee,
whom he had taken on board during his former voyage,
and who had lived to vifit this country with him. When
they were told that he was dead, they feemed much concerned,
and pronounced fome words in a plaintive tone.
We made figns for them to go on board the veffels lying in
Ship Cove; but when they faw us going on to the fouth,
they returned to the cove from whence they came.
We found the country not quite fo fteep as at the fouth-
ern extremity of New Zeeland, and the hills near the fea-
fide were in general of an inferior height. In moft parts,
however, they were covered with forefts,. equally intricate
and impenetrable as thofe of Dufky Bay, but containing a
greater number of pigeons,, parrots, and fmall birds-,
which perhaps abandon that rude climate during the cold
feafon, and pafs their winter in thefe milder regions.
Oyfter-catchers or fea-pies, and various- forts- of fiiags,
likewife enlivened the fiea fhores here, but ducks were extremely
fcarce. Weft Bay contains a number of fine coves,
each o f which affords excellent anchorage; the hills rife
gently all round it, covered with fhrubs and trees, and
many of their fummits are clear of woods, but over-
giown with a common fpecies of fern, (acrojiicumfurcatum.)
This is likewife the cafe with many iflands in the found,
and great part of the fouth-caft fhore of the found from
Cape Koamarod to Eaft Bay. After colletfting a number of
new plants, among which was a fpecies of pepper, very
much refembling ginger in the tafte,. and fhooting, many
birds of all forts, we returned on board late in the evening.
The launch, which had been fent out in the morning, to
an adjacent coves in-, order to cut geeens for the fhip’s
company and fome grafs for our goats and Iheep, did not
return that, day; but flaying out all. the next likewife, we
began to be very, uneafy about the twelve people in her,
among, whom were our third lieutenant, the lieutenant of
marines, Mr. Hodges, the carpenter, and the gunner. Our
apgrehenfions were the more juft, as the wind.and weather