This Work was issued in two Editions : the First commenced
October 1885, and the Second April 1891, both Editions ending
simultaneously ; the Plates in Volume V. appeared as follows
1. Gebat Bu sta rd............
2. Little Bustard . . . . . .
3. Indian H oubara Bustard.
4. Stone- Curlew or
5. Common Pratincole ..
6. Cream- coloured
7. Sociable Lapwing . . . .
8. Dotterel.........................
9. Caspian Plo ter ............
LÖ. Binged Ploter ............
11. Little B inged Plover .
L2. Kentish Ploter............
L3. Killdeer Plover . . . .
L4. Golden Plover „ . . . .
5. Gres' Plover ................
-6. Lapwing or Peewit
.7. Turnstone .....................
■ 8. Oxstee-catohrr or Sea-
9. Avocet..............................
!0. Black-winged Stilt ..
•I. Gret Phalaropb . . . .
2. B ed-nicked Phalaropb
1st Edition. 2nd Edition.
PART PART XXI. Aug. 1892. XXIV June 1893. XV. Aug. 1892. XXXIY. XXIII. July 1893. Apr. 1897. XXXIV. Apr. 1897.
XXXI. June 1895. XXXI. June 1895.
XXVIII. Sept. 1894. XXVIII. Sept. 1894.
XXXIII. Nov. 1896. XXXIII. Nov. 1896. XXXIV. Apr. 1897. XXXIV. Apr. 1897. XXI. Aug. 1892. XV. Aug. 1892. XX.' Dec. 1891. XIV. July 1892. XXX. Feb. 1895. XXX. Feb. 1895.
XXV. Oct. 1893. XXIV. Oct. 1893. XIII. Mar. 1890. XIII. June 1892. XVIII. Apr. 1891. XIX. Feb. 1893. XIX. July 1891. XII. May 1892. XIV. May 1890. XVI. Nov. 1892. XII. Jan. 1890. XXVII. Aug. 1894.
XIII. Mar. 1890. XIII. June 1892.
XXX. Feb. 1895. XXX. Feb. 1895. XXXIV. Apr. 1897. XXXIV. Apr. 1897.