G R E Y P H A L A R O P E , summer and autumn plumage.
Phalaropus fulicarius (IAnm.).
Tringa fulicaria, Linn. S. N. i. p. 249 (1766).
Phalaropus platyrliynchus, Naum. viii. p. 255.
Phalaropus lobatus, Macg. iv. p. 284; Hewitson, ii. p. 368.
Phalaropus fulicarius, Yarr. ed. 4, iii. p. 310 ; Dresser, vii.
p. 605.
Phalarope dentelé, French.
Although this beautiful and very interesting species
occasionally visits our Islands in large numbers, my
acquaintance with it in life is confined to having seen
two on the north coast of Spain in the winter of 1878—
one on the mud-flats of the harbour of Santander; the
other, swimming almost under the bows of my yacht, in
the Bay of Biscay, at about five miles off Rivadesella.
With very few exceptions the recorded occurrences of
the Grey Phalarope to our country have taken place in
the autumn and winter, in the grey dress of that season,
but I find a record in ‘Yarrell’ of “ a beautifully
marked adult bird, which was killed in Wiltshire in
August, and retained at that time a great portion of the
true red colours of the breeding-season or summer
plumage.” The visits of this species to our Islands