Tringa rufescens, Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxiv.
p. 470 (1819); Macg. iv. p. 194.
Actitis rufescens, Naum. xiii. p. 239.
Tryngites rufescens, Yarr. ed. 4, iii. p. 435; Dresser, viii.
p. 111.
This is a rare and irregular straggler to our country
from North America, concerning whose habits and
distribution I have no personal knowledge. Some
fourteen or fifteen well-authenticated occurrences of this
species in England and Ireland are referred to by
Mr. H. Saunders in his £ Manual,’ as also one in
Heligoland. The specimen from which the accompanying
figure was taken was shot in September 1870 on
the island of Bryher, Scilly, by Mr. Augustus Pechell,
who most kindly lent it for the purpose, and has sent
the following note with reference to the occurrence:—
“ I was sitting on a bank at Bryher, 80 or 100 yards
from a small freshwater pool, when the bird came, and
after flying round settled, and ran about the edge of the
pool; I saw it was a stranger, and was moving to stalk