Scolopax borealis, J. R. Forster, Phil. Trans, lxii. pp. 411,
431 (1772).
Numenius borealis, Naum. viii. p. 506; Yarr. ed. 4, iii. p. 512;
Dresser, viii. p. 221.
Mr. H. Saunders, in his ‘Manual of British Bird" ’
records some seven or eight occurrences of this small
American Curlew in the British Islands; the specimen
from which my Plate was taken being the latest in date
of the birds there recorded ; it was killed on the island
of Tresco, Scilly, on September 10, 1887, and most
kindly lent to me by Mr. Dorrien Smith for this work.
Nuttall says of this species that “ in the course of its
vast migrations it occasionally visits almost every part
of the American continent” ; but its breeding-haunts
are, it would seem, confined to the Arctic regions. It
visits Labrador in great numbers on the autumnal
migration; but the main route of the annual southward
journey of this Curlew is said to lie along the valley of
the Mississippi and to the southward of New Jersey. Its