/Egialitis cantiana, (Latham).
Charadrius cantianus, Lath. Suppl. ii. to Gen. Synopsis,
p. lxvi (1801); Naum. vii. p. 210; Macg. iv. p. 125 ;
Hewitson, i. p. 298.
iEgialitis cantiana, Yarr. ed. 4, iii. p. 267; Dresser, vii.
p. 483.
Pluvier a collier interrompu, French; See-Regenpfeiffer,
German; Charran, Spanish.
This bird, first described by Latham, was named by
him as above, on account of his having received specimens
from Dr. Boys that were killed at Sandwich in
1787 and 1791. The Kentish Plover is a very local
and not a very abundant vernal migrant to our shores,
arriving in April and departing about the end of
August. Personally I have met with it but very rarely
in this country, but am well acquainted with it from
frequent close observation in Spain and many parts of
the shores of the Mediterranean. As I have already
published virtually all that I have to say of this bird
from my own experience in the ' Journal of the Northamptonshire
Nat. History Society,’ I make no scruple
about quoting therefrom verbatim as follows; I found