C O M M O N P R A T IN C O L E .
Hirundo pratincola, Linn. S. N. i. p. 345 (1766).
Glareola torquata, Naum. ix. p. 437, xiii. p. 261; Hewitson,
i. p. 290.
Glareola pratincola, Macg. iv. p. 49; Yarr. ed. 4, iii. p. 231,
Dresser, vii. p. 411.
' Perdrix de Mer, Glareole a collier, French; Giarol, Brach-
Schwalbe, German; Canastera, Spanish.
This very remarkable bird is a rare straggler to our
country, and has not, to my knowledge, been recorded
as breeding in Western Europe anywhere to the north
of the great plains that border the lower course of the
Rhone. Prom Cape St. Vincent to Cyprus and Palestine
the Pratincole is a well-known and locally common
summer visitor, and breeds in great abundance in
Morocco, certain parts of Southern Spain, Algeria,
Tunis, and Sicily. I have on many occasions met with
great numbers of this interesting species in the
“ marisma ” on both sides of the Guadalquivir below
Seville ; it arrives in that district from the south towards
the end of April, and may from that date be seen,