COMMON SN IPE, russet variety in background.
Scolopax gallinago, Linn. S. N. i. p. 244 (1766) ; Naum. viii.
p. 310 ; Macg. iv. p. 368 ; Hewitson, ii. p. 353.
Gallinago coelestis, Yarr. ed. 4, iii. p. 342 ; Dresser, vii.
p. 641.
Bécassine ordinaire,-French; Schnepfe, German; Agacha-
diza, Agachâna, Laguneja, Spanish.
As I believe that this delightful bird breeds more or
less commonly in all but a very fèw counties of
England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, and is well
known throughout Europe, either as a summer or
winter visitor, I can hardly expect to add anything of
importance to its already well-known history. In the
British localities in which it does not breed regularly
it generally makes its appearance after the first heavy
autumnal rains, and remains in favourable circumstance
till driven away by severe weather or the constant
persecution of man. In the neighbourhood of Lilford,
where a Snipe's nest is of rare occurrence, although a
certain number of these birds breed regularly within
the limits of our county, I generally hear of the first
Snipe about the end of July, and in wet summers I
think that we, as a rule, have more Snipes in our
portion of the Nen valley in August and September than