Its range is from Guiana southwards, as far as the banks of
the Amazon, where Mr. Wallace collected specimens.
C. Chaunomis, G. R. Gray.
7. Bucco tamatïa, Gm.
Barbu à ventre tacheté de Cayenne, Buff. PI. Enl. 746. fig. 1. ;
Bucco tamatia, Gm. S. N. i. 405 ; Lath. Ind. Om. i. p. 202; Vieill. Gal.
des Ois. pi. 34 ; *Enc. Meth. p. 1421; Licht. Verz. d. Doubl. p. S';
Sehomb. Reisen, iü. p. 719 Î Gray’s Gen. p. 74 ; Gray’s List of B. M. '
p. 48.
Capuo tamatia, Wagl. Sÿst. Ay. sp. 6 ; Stepb. Gen. Zool. xiv. 156; Temm.
Tab!. Meth, p. 41.
Tamatia maculaia# Cüv. Règn. An. (1817) i. p. 429 ; Sw. Om. Draw. pi. 11.
Nyctactes tamatia, Strickl. Ann, Nat. Hist. vi. 418.
Chaunomis tamatia, Gray, List of Gen. (1841) p. 18.
Tamatia tamatia, Bp; Consp. p. 146,
Le Tamatia à gorge rousse, Le Tail. Ois. de Par. ii. t. 41.
B. supra fuliginoso-brunneus, rufescente plus minusye trans-
versim lineatus : fronte superciliisque ferrugineo tinctis-: striga
utrinque suboeulari in torquem nuchalem obscurè producta
alba : collo antico ferrugineo vitta nigra utrinque marginato :
ventre maculis nigris conferte transvittato : rostro pedibusque
Eong. tota 6‘2 ; alæ 3'0 ; caudæ 6*5.
Hab. in Guiana (Le Yail.) (Sehomb.)Cayénna ; Para' et fl. Ama-
zonum (Wallace).
This species appears to me tou be closely allied in shape and
structure to the preceding, although some authors have made it
the type- of a different genus.” Schomburgk found if - in thé'
deepest woods of British Guiana, where, he says, “ it seems to ,
have an extensive range. They are seen in. solitary spots; and
sit alone, more rarely in pairs, phlegmatic and sorrowful-looking
upon the branches of the low bushes. They are by no means
shy, and let one approach within six or eight'steps, when, they fly
a little way farther and resume again their sorrowful melancholy
position. Their food is insects.” It extends thence down to the
banks of the Amazon, where it was procured by Mr. Wallace.
8. Bucco ruficollis (Waglçr).
Plate I.
Capita ruficollis, Wagl. Isis 1829; p. 658 ; Bp. Consp. p, 146,
Bucco ruficollis, Gray’s Gen. p. '74'.-
Tamatia gularis, d’Orb. and Lafir. Rev. Zool. 1838, p. 166.
Bucco gularis, Gray’s Gen. p. 74.
Capito gularis, Bp. Consp. p, 146.
B. fuliginoso-brunneus ; torque cervicali postico, loris et regione
auriculari albis : dorso et alarum tectricibus albo mixtis •. i
subtus albidus; gutture medio rufo ; vitta pectorali nigra :