white and the throat brown like the crissum. I have seen the type
of S . gigantodes in Herr Heine’s museum, and consider it the same as
Tangara des grands boisde Cayenne, Buff. PI, Enl^0,5,j(fig. pess,.).
Tanagra magna, Gm. S- N. p. 8.90.-; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 422;
Max. Beitr. iii. 525'.,_
Le griverd de Cayenne, Buffi. PL End. 616 .(tig. pess.) ?
Coracias cay ana, Bodd. Table d. PI. Enl.
Coracias cayennensis, Gm. S. N. p. 381.
Sal tat or virescens, YieilL. Now. Diet. xiv. 104^ et Enc. M^th.
p*790 ? . ■' . J ■ . I
Saltator olivascens, Vieill. Nouv. Diet. xiv. 108 ; Enc. Meth.
p. 794, et Gal. des Ois. p. 103, pi. 77; Tsch. F. E. p. 209.
Saltator cayennensis, d’Orb. Voy. p* 290.
Saltator magnus, Gray’s Gen. p. 363l|.Bp. Consp. p. 489; Cab,
Mus. Hein. p. 142*
Supra /avescenti-olivaceo-viridis, capitis lateribus dnereisj super-
- ciliis ante oculos curtis albis: subtus fulvesdnti-cinereus r gula
media alba, utrinque nigro-marginata, service antica crissoque
pallide rufis :■ rosiro nigro.
Long, tota 8*0, ahe 4*0, caudee 3’7. - -• > -
Hob. Cayenne (Poiteaum Mus. Paris.); British G u i a n a . ;
Bogota (Mus. Brit.)-, East Peru, wood-region (Tsch.); Pintobamba
(Cast, et Dev.); Bolivia, Yuracares (cTOrbja Brazil, Rio (P . Max.),
214ms* Brit., Paris.;. &c. ’ - 1
This Saltator seems very widely distributed oveij the South American
continent, and is in that respect different from the,rest of its
congeners. It may be at pace distinguished by- its, uniform bright
olive-green upper plumage (not of so, yellowish a tint as in.Sa2to^or
atriceps), and the brownish blotch on the forexieck: from. S . irigg-
noides it differs in the want of the hlack throat-band^..
The Brasilian skins are of rather larger dimensions than the
Cayenne birds,,hut do not otherwise differ.
4. Saltator icteropygius,
• Saltator icteropyga, Dubus, Esq. Orn. pi. 13; Gray, Gen. App.
p. 16.
Supra saturate cinerascenti-fuscus: super ciliis, meritdet gutture
albis : pectore etepigastrio, fulvescenti- om e r e isv e n tr e , -dilate
Julvo; hypochondriis cinereo-fuMs: crisso citrino: remigibus
/u s d s , extus dnereo limbatis: rectridbus supra nigrisviridi-aneo
submicantibus dnereoque extus limbatis: lateralibus quatuor utrm-
que macula magna alba in medio pogohii interni notatis: r.ostro
corneo: pedibus fuscescentibus.
Hab. Mexico.
The Yicomte Dubus has given the above description of this curious
Saltator, of which there is a specimen in his collection. Prince
Bonaparte, in his ‘Conspectus,’ states, on the authority of Baron de
Lafresnaye, that it is merely the common S. magnus supplied with
the tail of a Ptilogonys. But Dr. Hartlaub, who has lately inspected
the bird, is quite convinced of its being a good and distinct species.
(See Joum. f. Orn. 1854, p. 255.),
5. Saltator similis.
Tanagra super ciliaris, Max. Beitr. iii. 518 ?
. Saltator similis, Lafr. et. d’Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 36 ; d Orb. Voy.
p. 290,- pi. 28, fig. 2 ; Gray,'. Gen. p* 363; Tsch. F. P. p. 209 . ;
Bp. Cohsp. p. 489 ;>■ Cab. Mus. Hein. p. 143.
Saltator gutturalis, Licht. in Mus. Berol.
Supra, cinereus; interscapulio et alarum marginibus olivaceo-vi-
ridibus.: syperciliis longis albis: subtus albido-cinerascens, me-
dialiter Ju lvo tinctus: gutture. toto pure albo, utrinque nigro
marginatoy:. crisso rufescente : rostri inf erioris basi alba.
' Loiig. tota 9;0, alse 4;6J!caud8e 4*0.
Hab. South Brazil, Corrientes (d’Orb.)-, Peru, wood-region and
coast (Tsch.),
Mus. Paris., Brit.
This bird is common among the collections of Brazilian skins so
frequently imported of late years. , Comparing it with S . magnus, we
find the ohye colour, which .there pervades the entire upper surface,
confined in the present species to the middle of the back and edgings
of the wings, the rest of the upper plumage being cinereous. The
throat too is pure white, and wants the rufous blotch on the fore-neck.
6., Saltator olivascens«.
- S d lh to r olivascens, Cab. in Schomb. Reise, iii. 676; Bp. Consp.
p. 490; Cab. Mus. Hein. p. 142.
Saltator plumbeus. Bp. Notes Orn. p. 23.
Fusco-cinereus unicolor; superciliis ante oculos cprtis et gutture
albis, hoc utrinque nigro marginato: subtus albo-cinereus, pectore
dnerascentiore; ventre medio albescentiore-, infenore cum crisso
pallide rufescenti-ochraceis: rostro nigro.
Long, tota 8-0-, aim 3*75, caudse 3*3,
Hab. British Guiana (Schomb.) ; Cayenne (Mus. P a r is .); Venezuela,
Cumana (Mus. Eytoni)-, S. Martha ( B p .) ; Trinidad (Lord
Mus. Bremensi; Eytoni; Berolin.; Heineano.
There is. no trace of green colour on the plumage of this Saltator,
the upper surface being uniform blackish-cinereous, as in Saltator
grandis, to which it is very closely-allied. But the latter bird may
be distinguished by the blacker sides of the head and ear-coverts, and
the greater breadth of the stripes on each side of the ,throat, which
leave only a narrow longitudinal white band in the middle of it.
And in the Central American bird the oehraceous colour of the
crissum extends all over the abdomen more or less, while in the
present species the middle of the belly is nearly white.