Chlorospingus ophthalmicus, Cab. Mus. Hein. p. 139 (note).
Chlorospingus albitemporalis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 155 ; List
of Bog. B. p. 27‘
Supra Icete olivaceus: pileo et lateribus capitis higricanti-brunneis :
loris subobsolete fulvescentibus' pennulis oculum postice tangenti-
bus albis : gutture pallide fulvescenti-albido, striis minutis nigris
asperso: pectore aureo,fulvo tincto : abdomine medio pure albo
lateribus et crisso viridescenti-flavis.
Long, tota 5J,2, alee 2*75, caudse 2*25.
Hab. Bogota (L a fr.) ; Venezuela (Levraud) ; Bolivia (Bridges.).
Mus. Britannico.
This South American species may be distinguished from the
Mexican C. ophthalmicus by its rather brighter olive colour above, its
lores and throat tinged with fulvous-brown (in the other bird these
parts are nearly pure-white), and the fulvous-yellow breast, which in
C. ophthalmicus is greenish yellow like, the sides.
Arremon flavipectus, Lafr. R. Z. 1840, p. .227; Gray, Gen. p. 301.1
Tachyphonus flavipectus, Lafr. R. Z. 1848, p. H ; Bp. Consp.
p. 237.
Pipilopsis flavipectus, Bp. Consp. p. 485.
Chlorospingusflavipectiis,C&b. Mus. Hein. p. 139.
Olivaceus; pileo et cervice postica nigrescenti-finereis, lateribus
capitis saturatioribus, loris pallidioribus : gula albida, fulvescente
tincta: abdomine viridescenti-flavo; ventre medio albo . '
Long, tota 5*4, alee 2*7, caudse 2*6.
Hab. Bogota.
Mus. Brit., Paris., &c.
This is a very common species in Bogota collections.
4. Chlorospingus canigularis.
Tachyphonus canigularis, Lafr. R. Z. 1848, p. 1 1 ; Bp. Consp.
p. 237 ; Gray, Gen. App. p. 17.'
Pipilopsis canigularis, Bp. Consp. p. 485.
Chlorospingus caniguldris, Cab. Mus. Hein, p.139.
Hemispingus Veneris, Bp. Notes Orn. p, 22.
Similis C. flavipectori, sed rostro breviore, maxilla alba nee nigra,
gula cinereo-alba nec brunnescenti-alba, capite nigresceniiore.
Long, alee 2’9.
Hab. Bogota.
Mus. Paris.
Prince Bonaparte’s Hemispingus veneris, o'f,whichtbe type is in
the Paris Museum, seems to me to be the same as this bird. It is
certainly very closely allied to the common C. flavipectus, but 1 have
no doubt it is really a distinct species.
5. Chlorospingus olivaceus. jp
Podspiza ! olivacea, Bp.'Cdtfsp. At. p. 473.
Chlorospingus olivaceus, Sclater, Tan. Cat. Sp. p. 8; !
Brunnescenti-olivaceus; capite nigricante; vertice et nucha palli
dioribus, cinerascentibus; macula postoculari Candida; loris et
lateribus cervicis griseis: subtus pallide flavus, gutture et ventre
medio grisescenti-albis.
Hab. Central America ?
Mus. Paris.
This bird is of exactly the same cast of plumage as C. flavipectus
and canigularis, but may be distinguished by the colouring of its
head, which has a broad longitudinal paler band, and is darker,
almost black, over the eyes and again beneath them, and by the
white postocular spot. A specimen in my possession seems to be of
Belattre’s preparation, and agrees with that in the Paris Museum,
upon which Prince Bonaparte established his Poospiza olivacea.
) 6v Chlorospingus flaviventris, sp. nov.
■ Olivaceus; capite cinereo, viridi pdulum apparente; gula albescenti-
ciherea: abdomine idio flabo : roStrb nigro, mandibuke inferioris
basi albescente.
Long, tota 5f,5* alee 2'5, caudae 2-2o.
Hab. Trinidad (Mus. Jard.y $ Bolivia ? (Mus. H .E . S.y.
I have seen two specimens of this apparently unrecognized Chlo-
rospingus, which agrees in form with the preceding species, but is
distinguished by its wholly yellow abdomen. One of these specimens"
1 ilvin Sir william Jardine’s possession, the other in the collec-
tion of the late Mr. H. E. Stricklaftd.
Chlorospingus spodogephalus.
Chlorospingus spodocephalus, Bp. Notes Orn. p. 22.
Flavo-olivaceus, subtus auruntius: capite toto cinereo, gula dilutiore :
rostro nigro: pedibus rubellis. (Bp.)
Hab. Nicaragua (Helattre).
M u s .------®
t8. Chlorospingus flavigularis.
Pipilopsis flavigularis, Sclat. R. Z. 1852, p.8 ; Cont. Orn. 1852,
p. 131, pi. 98.
Olivaceus: gutture flgvo : abdomine et mento cinereis; ventre medio
albescentiore ; crisso flavescente : rostro plumbeo, basi albo notata;
pedibus plumbeis. ,
Long, tota 5*5, alae 3$5. ■
Hab. Bogota.
Mus. Parisiensi.
I have never seen any specimen of this bird except the type in the
Paris Museum. The hill resembles that of C. flavipectus, but is
rather stronger/1
b. Hemispingus.
9. Chlobuspingus atripileus.
! Arremon atripileus, Lafr. R. Z. 1842, p. 335 ; Gray, Gen. p. 361.