This well-known Brazilian species may be recognized by its
clear buff-Coloured neck and upper breast, and the round spots
on the belly.' Specimens from Para are in the Derby Museum
at Liverpool.
14. Bucco striatipectus, Sclater.
B. striatipectus, Sclater in Pr. Zool. Sep« Dec. 13, 1853.
B. supra nigrescens; alis caudaque magis brunnescentibus;
omnino rufescente transversim stria tus: capite nigro fere
immaculato: mento albo, gutture toto et collo undique fulvo-
rufis : pectore et ventris lateribus albis, nigro longitudinaliter
striatis : ventre medio albo : crisso fulvescente.
Long. tota 7*8; alee 3*5.
Hab. in Bolivia (Mus.Derb.).
I am rather doubtful, I confess, about this.species, whether it
is truly distinct from the preceding. The only difference is that
the characteristic round black spots on the under surface are in
this species replaced by longitudinal striae. The two examples
in the Derby Museum are labelled f Bolivia/ I have seen several
others. I described this and some of the other'new species
included in the present synopsis in a paper read before the Zoological
Society on the 13th December, 1853.
D. Cyphos (Spix)|§
' 15. Bucco MACRODACTYLUS (Spix).
Cyphos macrodactylus, Spix, Av. Bras. i. t.,39; fig. 2/rp., 51.
Capito cyphos, Wagk S. A. sp. 4; Tsch. F. P. p. 259.'
Capito macrodactylus, Bp. Pr. Zool Soc. 1837; p. 119*; Tsch. Av. Consp.
p. 300; *Bp. Consp. p. 146.
Bucco macrodactylus, Gray’s Gen. p. 74.
B. fuliginoso-brunneus; capite- rufescente; dor so summo nrgre&v
cente; dorsi singulis pennis margine clarioribus: vitta cef vicali
postica ochracea: mento-ochraceo albido vitta lata gulari.
nigra subtus albo marginata: ventre tenuissime nigreseente-
lineato : rostro nigro: pedibus plumbeis.
Long, tota 5*8 y alse 2*7; caudse 2*4. -
Hab. in.sylvis fl, Amazonum (Spix); in prov. Peruvise oriental,
libus (Tsch.); Rio Napo (Jard.); Nova Grenada (Mus. Brit.p$
This is certainly rather an abnormal species as regards the
form of the bill, which somewhat resembles that of. the next
succeeding genus, but is much broader at the base. The broad
gular bar is situated higher up than in the other species, I have
some doubts whether I am right in placing it here—perhaps, in
many respects, it is more, nearly allied to B. tamatia, &c.
Spix’s specimens came from high up the Amazons, I expect,
as Tschudi found the bird in Eastern Peru. An example in my
collection has every appearance of a Bogota skin.
Genus II. Malacoptila.
A. Malaqoptila, G. R. Gray.
1. Malacoftila fusca (Gm.).
White-breasted Barbet, Lath. Svn. ii. 505.
Bucco fuscus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 408; Lath. Ind. Om. i. p. 206.
hypornixfo'rquqta, juv., Wagl. S. A. sp. 4.
Monasa unitorques, Du Bus, Bull. Ac. Brux. xiv. pt. 2. p. 107; Rev. Zool.
' /If84$, p.249.
Monasa fusca, Strickl. Cont. to Om. 1852, p. 43.
Le Tamatia brun, Le Yail. Ois, de Par. y. 2. pi. 43.
Bucpo fuscus, Yieili.. N. D. d’H. N. iii. 239; Vieill. Euc. Meth. 1419.
Tamatid fusca, Less. Tr. d’Orn. p. 168.
Monasa fuska?Gray’s Gen. i.‘ p. 74f (pars) Bp. Consp. Av. p.' 147 (pars).
Malactiplila fusca, Gray, List-of Gen. f l 841) p. 13.
M. brunpea clare fulvo striata: macula utrinque frontali et magna
triangulari superpectorali albis: ventre obscure fulvescente:
pedibus albidis: rostro nigro basi aurantio.
Long, tot^c6*^1 alse 3*6; caudse 2*7.
Hab. in Gayenna (Le;Vail.); Rio Negro (A. W .); Quixos rep.
Equat. ■
This species has been, much confounded with M, tor quota.
M. de Lafresnaye in th e | Revue Zoologique/ and Mr. Strickland
in the //Contributions to, Ornithology/ have clearly pointed out
' the differences Sefween them, which will be sufficiently obvious
von/a* comparison' of the Mb descriptions, and may be seen at a
g l a n ^ ^ JooMngW'tM birds themselves; Latham’s SHginal
' specimens of his “ White-breasted Barbet” \m&er which name he
.gave the first published description of this species, are still
extant in the Derby Museum at Liverpool. This bird extends
from Cayenne1^ the upper branches of the Rio Negro, where
examples, were collected byj Mr. Wallace.
2. Malacoptila rufa (Spix),..
Bucco rufus. Spix; Av. Bras. i. t. 40.' fig. 1. p.,52.
Lypornix rufa, Wagl. S. A. sp.; Tsch. F.:P« p. 257; Tsch. Av. Consp.
Monasa rufa, Gray’s Gen. i. p. 74; Gray, List of B. M. p. 50; Bp. Consp.
P- 147-
M. byunnea; capite cinereo albo striato : loris et colli lateribus
rufescentibhih plaga super-pectorali alba, infra tenuiter nigro
marginata; venfremedioalbescente; rostro nigro, mandibula
inferiore basi flava.
Long, tota 7*0; alse 3*5; caudse 2*7.
Hab. in sylyis fl. Amazonum (Spix); Para (Wallace); Peruvia
Bor. Or. (Tsch.).