ventre rtfedio paululum rufescente, lateribus nigro maculatis:
rostro pedibusque nigris.
Long, tota 8'5 ; alse 3-5 ; caudse 3 ’3.
Hab. in Nova Grenada; Carthagena (Lafr.); Santa Martha
;■ (Verreaux); Mexico (Wagl.) (?).
An accurate description of this bird was first given by Wagler
in the | Isis/ in one of the papers which he called “ Beitrageund
Bemerkungen zu dem ersten Bande seines Systema Avium.”
MM. de Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny named it afresh in an article
’ji-ponsome birds from Carthagena, in the ‘ Revue Zoologique/ in
1838. An example in the Munich Museum is labelled as from
Cayenne. The brothers Verreaux have lately received several
Skins of this species from their collector at Santa Martha, which
is on* the coast-line some distance to the east of Carthagena and
on the opposite side of the Magdalena. I expect, therefore,
that the northern coasts of the New Grenadian republic will be
found to constitute its true 'habitat, and should rather doubt its
extending so far as Mexico, whence Wagler5s specimens were
said .to have come;
In general distribution o f colours it rather resembles B. macro-
dactyius, but istjyice the size. I t may be easily recognized by
the large rufous patch in the middle of the throat and well-
defined black breast-band.
9. Bunco bicinctus (Gould).
, Plate II.
Tamatia bicincta,t .Gould, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 80.
Tdmatiu bitorquata, Sw. An. in Men. p. 327.
Bucco bicinctus, Gray’s Gen. p. 74; Gray’s List of B. M. p. 48.
Capito bicinctus, Bp. Consp. p. 146.
B. nigro-fuliginosus;; fulvo mixtus : frofite auribus mCntoque
albidis: subtus ochraceo-albus, vitta gutturali lata, pectorali
, angusta et maculis yentris lateralibus, cum rostro et pedibus
Long, tota 8*0; ake 3*5 ; caudse 3*3.
Hab. VenezueW^Dyson); Trinidad (Lord Harris).
The specific name bicinctus is quite sufficient to distinguish
this species, from all others at present known of this family.
Trinidad speciniens are among the fine collection of birds from
-that island presented t6 the Zoological Society by Lord Harris.
Examples in the British Museum were collected by Mr. Dyson
in Venezuela.
10. Bucco radiatus, Sclater.
Bucco radiatus, Sclater, Pr. Zool. Soc. Dec. 13, 1863.
B. supra clare ferrugineus, nigro transversim radiatus: nucha
<et dorso summo psene omnino nigris: corpore subtus et