longing to Mr. Wallace. .Others are in the British and Munich
Museums j hut I do not consider this a common bird in collections,
and though I possess examples of twenty-one, ouiT of the
thirty-three species described in this Synopsis, the present is
one of those that I have never been fortunate enough to meet
with except as before mentioned."
I t is difficult to ascertain the true date. of the publication of'
the different feuilletons of TemminckV' Planches..CoIoriees/ but
I believe Spix*s name for this speeies was the first published, as
is generally allowed to have been the case.
The name Nonnula—proposed for the subdivision of the present
genus which contains this-and the next two succeeding
species, in a communication updh new Bucconidce made to the
•Zoological Society last December—I Coined as a diminutive of
-Nonna, i. e. Monaca,4ht, word, I 'suppose, intended by ‘Yiéillö't
when he established the genus Monasa,
„ : 11. Malacqetila frontalis, Sclater.,^
M. cinerascenti-brunnea: pectore brtmneo-rufescen-tè,-tjuasi-fere
- ferrugineo; vehtre albescentmucapite summoianticu casta^aep
.rostro nigro, mandibula jnferiore basi flavescente».
Long.' tota -^b j-alse 2*5; caiidse 2*3.
_Hab. in Nova Grenada.
The British Museum contains two specimens of this apparently
new Malacoptila, selected amongstuther interesting noveltie
s from a collection- lately'reeeived by Mr Stfe;%ns' from
Santa Fc di Bogota. I have ,to thank Mr. G. R.Grayfbr allowing
me to examine Ahem* ~-
The species is'mostulosely allied to the preceding, and niter*
mediate between that and the succeeding M. rujicapilla. It may
be distinguished from the former-by its'chestnut head, brighter
red breast, broader and longer bill, and absence of all indications
of white upon the front or lores.- The tw<5 'external rect^i'ces arc
light brown, the others blackish edged-with-light brown.
In^OUfiger birds the chestnut head iS wanting,.which renders
them easy to be confounded with M. rubecuja.
Mr. Eytdn’s collection als<Tcontains an example of this bird.
12. Malacoptila UuriCAPiLLi (Tsch.)r,
Jjypornix rujicapilla, Tsch. Av. Consp. p.s$00.; ‘T-sch. F. P. p;r>253. pi. 24.
fig . 1.
Monasa rujicapilla, Gray’s Gen. p. 74', Bp. Consp. p. 147», I
M. brunnea: pileo castaneo.: collo posticó <finëreo4 subtus cinerea
Anedialiter rufa. ;
Long, tota 6*0; alse 2*4.
Hab^m Peruv, Bor. Or. (Tsch-v).-/';§
WÊÊ^Ê^SÊÊÊKÊÊÊ . . . .~ ...
This pretty little species was discovered by Von Tschudi in
North-east Peru. I have seen specimens in the French National
Collection and in the Derby Museum at Liverpool. I t seems
closely allied to M. rubecula in form, and is of about the same
Genus III. Monasa.
1. Monasa atra (Bodd.).
Coucou noir de Cayenne, Buff. PI. Eril. 612.
*Cuculus ater, Bodd. Tabl. d. PL Enl. p.,30.
----- tranquillus, Gm. S. N. i. 417.
Muceo cinereus, Gin. S. Tf. i. 409.'
Corvus australis, Gm. S. N. b,s377^’ ;■
Jhicco calc'aratus, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 206.
Gbrms affinis, Shaw’s Zool; vii. 381.
Bucco cinereus, Licht. Verz: d. Doubl. p. 8.
Byporniic tranquilla, Wagl. Syst. sp. 1.
Monasa tranquilla, Bp. Consp. p. 147; Schomh. Reisen, iii. 719; Vieill.
N. D. d’H. N. xxi. 321; Vieill. Enc. Meth. 1338.
Monasa atra-, Gray’s G¥ep. i. p. 74; Gray, List of B. M. p. 49.
Barbacou It bee rouge, Le Vail. Ois. des Par. iu t., 44, 45.
M. nigra : alarum tectricibus albo limbatis: rostro rubro : pedi-
bus nigris.
Long, tota 11*0; alse 5*3 ; caudse 5*2.
Hab. in Guiana (Schomb.); Cayenna(Buff.); Trinit. ins. (Strickl.)
This bird, which has been honoured with no less than six dif-
iferettt ^ipebific names by the older authors, is common in collections
froiln Cayenne, and examples from Trinidad are in Mr.
iStriekland’s collection. Schomburgk says that it is always found
in pairs, ^nd prefers the more open woods and the trees on the
banks of the rivers. . He never found it in the bush.
2. Monasa flavirostris, Strickl.
Monasa fiavirostris, Strickl. Cont. Om. 1850, p. 47. pi. 48.
— akillaris, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1850, p. 216.
M.,n ig ra: tectricibus alarum minoribus superioribus et infe-
^'noribiis hiyeis rostro flavo: pedibus plumbeis.
Long, tota 8*24 alse 4*3; caudae 3*75.
Hab. in Peruv. Or. (Str.); Rio Negro (Lafr.); Nova Grenada
(Mus- Brit^.
- Mr. Strickland and the Baron de Lafresnaye published their
•Respective discoveries :or this bird about the same time, but I
think Mr. Strickland’s name has slightly the priority. Mr.
Strickland’s specimen was, I believe, from the upper branches of
' the Amazon, M. de Lafresnaye’s from the Rio Negro; the bird
^therefore in all probability ranges along the head-waters of both
., streams. The locality of f New, Grenada ’ I give on the authority