n . 3
w e a r ear/ceauc
he never heard its voice. Generally it sits upon a low bough,
or hops in the thick bush upon the ground.”
The form of the bill in this species is very much compressed,
in other respects the general habit of the bird is not far removed
from that of the more typical Buccones.
12. Bncco lanceolatus, Deville.
Plate III.
Bucco lanceolatus, Deville, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1849, p. 56.
B. supra brunneus: subtus albus nigro longitudinaliter striatus:
fronte anguste albo : crisso. rufescente.
Long, tota 5‘q.
Hab. Pampa del Sacramento in Peruv.(Dev.); Bio Napo(Jardine).
I noted down the preceding short description (which, however,
I think is sufficient to identify this peculiar species) when I
examined the type-specimen in the Paris Museum, from which
the present figure is taken. M.'Devilled account of it is as follows
(see Bev. et Mag. de Zoologie, 7. c .): “ Above reddish brown,
rather brighter on the head> ears and upper tail-coverts; with
a narrow terminal band more or less clear upon the baek and
coterts. Below spotted with white and black: tail brown above,
gray below, with two black spots, one at the base and the other
nearly at the extremity, which is gray : two medial rectrices
brown and without spots: the outer pair of rectrices spotted
only on (the inner web, the outer web being gray. Crissum
cinnamon colour. Length 10£ cent.”
Sir William Jardine has an example of this bird received in a
collection from the Bio Napo.
13. Bncco maculatus (Gm.).
Alcedo maculata, Gm. S. N. i. p. 451.
Bucco somnolentus, Licht. Verz. d. Doubl. p. 8.
Capito maculatus, Wagl. S. A. sp. 7 5 Temm. Tabl. Meth. p. 41.
Tamatia somnolenta, Sw. Qrn. Draw. pi. 9. ;
Le Tantajac, Le Vail. Ois. de Par. Suppl. t. F.
Tamatia tamajac, Less. Man. i, p. 168.
Tamatia maculata, Bp. Consp. p. 147.
Bucco maculatus, Gray’s Gen. p. 74; Gray, List of B. M. p. 48.
B. supra nigrescens: singulis pennis irregulariter rufescente trans-
versim v itta tis c a p ite obscuriore: loris superciliis et vitta
collari rufescentibus : subtus albus; collo antico clare rufes-
centi-fulvo : mento pure albo: pectore et ventris lateribus
maculis rotundis nigris signatis: rostro rubro, culmine et basi
nigro: pedibus plumbeis.
Long, tota 7‘3 ; alse 3*0; caudse 2’7.
Hab. in Brasilia; P a ra ; Bahia (Licht.).