m Siiiii?;.
Notwithstamling tlie peculiarity of its features, this skull of an ancient Caledonian has so
many unmistalieahle resemblances to the ancient British series, that we must class it in the
same category. This is evidence of a kind such as has never before been produced; and withovit
haste to deduce conclusions from such novel, and, it may he, unexpected premises, we shall here
rest contented by adducing the fact to the attention of our readers. There are many indications
that the individual whose chief mortal relic we have been examining has lived a life closely
agreeing with that of the ancient Britons; in fine, such a life as that described so comprehensively
by XiphUine, in his account of the Caledonians and Mseatae.
(J. B. D.)
J6. (6)