for tbcljlossoms, instead of those of the coveted novelty, were not distinguishable from the old C. nentricosiini.
These were still hanging to iJie stem when tlie inexplicable plant sent forda a spike of a totally
difTerent character, and which was, in fact, precisely similar to the specimens gatliered ia Guatemala, and to
those produced on the \'oyage.
I t is, at present, impossible to attempt anj' explanation of so strange a phenomenon, especially on the
supposition that tlie two forms of flower are analogous to the male imd female blossoms of other tribes, for
C. ventncosum alone not unfrequently perfects seeds.
'riie species (if as such it m a y b e regarded) was named in honour of Sir P t i iLi p EGEUTON, before any
of its eccentricities bad been discovered, othen\ise the compliment might have been deemed a dubious one.
For the tiiil-piece Lady GEEY of Groby has kindly contributed a most ingenious derice, compounded
of divers Orchidaceous flowers, which, with very gentle violence, have been induced to assume the attitudes
in which they appear below.*
•• >"«ture bcwdi
Pon-onc, >11 mwutr«m, dl ptoà'giMi. ^Uillg^
Abomìnsble, cmulunble, uiij vorx
Thra hblM yet Lav« frignri, or fair ojnceirrf,
Gstgoiu, uid lijilrM, ua clirnifTM dire."
' The lug camD fortji, broom ana all, from a flower of C-jprijitdiim imigne; her ntlcndaDl «piriti arc
Tipoie.I of^rnnia Laueema, /ingracum
the right of wliich crawl» Megaclinium
caudatum. Oncidivm popiiio, ic. ic. ; iwo ipcdmei» of Cycnochci Mil miije»licully on llie globe below,
falcalum. In tlie cCTlre ..nndi a O e s p n n d i n g . - on the left a plr of ¡U.daallia,
Iinlike the " «valklng liave»" of Auetralia, complete the group.
dancing a minncl. while sundry Epidndra, not