® IIR. M (0) !l» IK S IP-A 11« il!) ;[ W A .
L E O P ^ R D - i l K E MORMOnES.
MORMODES.—IMIHCY, Dot. Itcg- 1801.
SEPALV, et petala subffiqualia libera, coiinivcntia vel ••cllexa. Labellum
m e n i b r a n a c e u m , scll<elb.-me, trilobatum, ascendens, cum eok.mi.ft art.culalum.
Columna semiteres, malica, semi-lorta ; gyni^ns longus angustus ; clma.ulmm,
nostice aeuminatum. PoUinia 4, per par i a connata, candieube crass,« alUxa, gianduia
cavnosff crassa; adhan-enti. Herb® epipbyla- Autcricana', canli .us In'evLbus
fusiformibus. Folia basi vagiiiantia, plicata. Scapi radieales. Flores raceinosi,
M„B.,o„es Pa,•<&.», pseudo-bulbk Testilis Mis strictis 4-plo brevioribus ; mcemo nuUntc nmlliaoro
foli» brsviore, sepaUs peUdisqae suba3q«alib„s ovato-k^ceoktis «cutis, conmventibus, kbell, tr.lob,
lobis kter.Tlibus acutis decurvis intermedio elongate aeununato.
Cyclosia Maculnte. KlOTZtcn h Jl/gern. Gartenseilmg. fio. 39, 1838.
llahitat in Oazacit. KARWISSKI.
PsEUUO-mLus, afoot lomj. tur/nnate, covered (ami in mjcd specimens rcuhred pricidgJh
the .Uathim, hmes of the numero« leaves. h. JVl-.hed .peeime» «pwurds oj Ueoject
Umq, not mòre than an inch wide, and tapering ver,J much at the extrenùtie,. Boors Unek andJIesaj
Sc ^PE mddina, shorter than the leaves, producing from fflecn to twenty or tMrty flowers, which
are ,u,ver more Hum half opened. SEPALS and PET.TLS, nearli, equal, animk amlahalj long connivcnl,
„vate-lauceolatc. acute, of a yelloioish colour: cover,ul over with numerous ela,-el.colonred
mot. e.v,-cM on their outsiile tips, where they are deqily stained ,dlh red,ihh brom,. Ln- .•ihorter
than the uetah. and. like than, speckled, hut of a paler hue. sa,Idle-shaped, membra,u„-^o»s,
decph, three-eleft: its lateral lobe„ amie: bent do,c,„car,Is, shorter Ihm, the iute,;ne,l„,te one, ,eh,eh
h acuminate. 'Column tumal hnlf rouiui. so as to appear to look askance at the spectator. /lA TUE:,
and P0LIE.\-.¥.ÌSSES, as in. C'ATASETCR.\l.
MORHODES P„,;ll„a is a native ol^ Oaxaca, «here it W.as originally discovered by Baro,,
It tbrmed a part of a most extensive collection of vegetable tre^isores, which that dlstnignished
traveller had .-usscmbled dnriiig his researches in New Spain, and which he attempted to bring with hini on
his return to Europe. Unfortunately, however, the vessel in which he saded was wrecked on one ol the
West Indk Isles, ami thus by far the greater portion of his living collections were consigned to a watery
grave. The individual from which our ligure is taken was one of the few survivors, and was eommunieated
to us bv the Baton in the year 1S3G. A pale self-coloured variety has more recently been introduced by
Mr. liuiKEn, by whom specimens were obligingly forwai-ded to us in the Autumn of 1838. the species
also appears to have found its way into Germany, having been described by that excellent BoUimst, Ur.
KLOTHSCII, in the - Aljge,„ei„en G„,-le„„eil,„g," inAiv the name of " Cjcfo™/»«»/»<» ; but this name
• F,«,, . tH,M.l-takl.|j objiB, . goWin, ii. » a« .Pl«— >1« «•""•
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