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T A B . II.
C A T A S E T U M ' M A C Ü L A T L I M :
CATASETUM.—7EIT7/(FIY?. in Kuuth Si/iiops. I. 33U. Lindley, Gcn. et Species Orvh. 13U.
P E R I A N T H lUM sropiùs globosum, nunc cxplaiiatnm. Sepal a et potala siiha
? f p i a l i a . liabellum crassum, carnosiini, iiiiduii! vcntricosum, v. explanatum liiiib
r i a t u m ; sul) apice saccatum, obsololò trilobiim. Cohnnna erecta, aplcva, libera,
a p i c e utriiiquo cirrliosa. Anlliera sub-bilocularis, anticè Inincata. Polliiiia 2,
p o s l i c é biloba v. sulcata, caudiculà niaxinià nuda demum elastico coutractili,
g i a n d u i a cartilaginea sub<iuadratà. Ilerba; terrestres v. e])ipb.Yla:', caulibu.s brev
i b u s l'usiibrmibus vestigiis Iblìoruni vestitis. Folia basi vaginant ia, plieata. Scapi
r a d i c i d e s . Flores speciosi, racemosi, virides, nunc pin'pureo-maculali.
CATASETUM pseudo-bulbis sub-globosis iusi-ibniiibus, foliis lato-lanceolatis acutis plicatis, scapis
paucifloris ibliis subaiqualibus ; sepiilis lanceolatis aciiniinatis petalisque majorìbus oblongis acutis ; labcllo
cuculiato apice 1-clentato Miargiiiìbus cìliatis; coliuiinic cirrhis brevibus crassis.
Catttsctum maculatum, KAIIL/I, SI/IIOJJS, I. 3i31.
Habitat in Regno Novo-Granafeiisi, propò Turhaco, IIUMÌÌOLDT; in Nicaraguu vcrsìis littora
Oceani Atlantici, SKIXNER.
Epiphyte. Pseudo-bulbs ìarge aud hidiniiHj to be f/ìobiihir, each hcariiiy several
broadhj lanceolate, plicated, aciUe Lkayes, of a foot or afoot and a half in length. Scapeh
radieiil, about the same length as the Icur-es, bearing from 4 to S Jlowers. Sepm.s iiarrow,
acuminate, the lateral ones arched after the manner of the half of a bow, u-hitUh on the on ter side,
and faintly spotted with claret colour on the inner; Petals broader than the. sepals, with bhtehes
of a clear reddish chestnut hue. LiP cuculiate, with a small circidar opening on its face ( the sides of
which are delieatelg fringed), and furnished in front with a not very prominent tooth ; the lip is of
a uniform geilowish green on the outside, but is dark brown, approaching to black, within. Column
erect, nearli/ straight, hearing two short and stout brisUes, which point downwards and lean towards
each other, with their e.vtremities almost touching ; spotted on the bach after the manner of a frog.
Fig. 1 represents the face of the column. Fig. 2 is a .fide view of the same.
ALTHOUGH thc%urc on the opposite side does not exactly agree with the description of Catasetum
maculatiim given by M- KUNTII in his Si/iiopsix, still we have little or no doubt that we arc correct in
i-efcn-ing it to that species; and we have, moreover, the satisfaction of knowing that the opinion of Professor
lit," bristles,—the column of ail ilic apccics being runiialied >vii!i two process« like Imit«,
whicli point doivnwards.
ijr / Jiuip,,^ a Sani. /SZ ñeea^, Ju^ JJS37
.•If 'Oauj:£ lùA. 9 /VenA. Oacmr/Jai/ìni.