Í I T A I?Í © IP '15 II A IR T JI A N
STANIIOPEA Mm-liana; tblüs ovalibus íicutis racemo pailcifloro longioribus, sepalis petiilisque paul6
angustioribus ovaüs obtusis, lij-pochilio brevi sessili saccato iitrinquc coraubus maximis porrecUs ápice
cirrhosis siib-inciirris instructo, cpichilio oblongo liCTigato obscuró 3-denlsilo apicc subreflexo comuijus
hypochilii Ijreviore vel subaiiimai, coluraiioi subdavalK marginibiis paríim dilatatis. Bateman in Bol.
Iteg. Mhc. 1840. 10!).
Habitat in jífearíco.—KARWISSKI, GALF.OTTI.
D C S C I - I J J T I O N .
PSEUDO-BULBS similar to time of other Stanhopms, bearing solitanj, ovni, acide LEAVES.
SCAPE much shorter than the leaves, bearini) two or three very lartje and betiutifnl FLOWERS.
SEPALS venj broad, obtuse, straw-eoltmred, sparingly marked with clusters of little vinous dots;
PETALS narrower than, the sépala, am!, lite them, obtuse, of tramparent whiteness, with large and
rich spots of the deepest crinmn, espeeialhj near their base. The lower portion of the Lip ü short,
sessile, saccate, and armed, on either side, with eery large hornji, which are twisted at the extremities
into cirrhi,^thf. upper part oblong, obscurely S-toothtd, sUghtlg rejicxed at the apeis, ami somewhat
shorter than the horns: excepting a slight discoloration at the base, the lip ü uniformly of a pure
ivory white. CoLViiy sprinkled over with innumcreibfe dots, its memhranous edges but slightli/ dilatetl.
A N.\TI\'E of Mexico, cliscovoreti by Baron IxAnwtssKl, in 1S27, and by llim communicated ti>
Knypcrsley, where il flowed, Ibr the fn-sl time, in May, 1840. More recently it lias made its appearance,
and in high pcriection, in the collection of Jlr. KtcuAiin HAIIBISOS, to whom it was sent by
M. GALEOTTt. It is a species of great interest and beanty, bnt appearing to much disadvimtage in a
drawing, which, however accurate, can convey but an inadec|nato idea of tile peculiar lustre and transpamicy
of its colours. The singular manner in wliicli the extremities of tlie huge uncouth horns are
twisted into slender cirrhi, will at once distingiush tliis from all other species of the genus. In ctdtivation
it reqnu-es no pm-ticulur management.
The specific name of Martiaun is given to this beautiful phmt in grateful acknowledgment of tlie
many courtesies bestowed upon tlie Author by the distinguished Professor of BoUiny at Munich.