to bolh C. spcciom and C. maculaia as to prove tbat Ihese two supposed species must beucefonvard be
regardeci merely as varieties of each other. Tliey have accordingly been quoted as synonyms in the text.
In J\Ir. RCCKER'S collection no genus appears to succeed more perfectly than Cortjanthcs, altliough
in otlicrs its cultivation is attended with much difficult}' and vexation : but by noting its peculiarities, such
frequent disappointments may, perhaps, be avoided. The supplies of heat and moisture require to be most
carefully regulated, foi- if either be permitted to continue in excess, the plants will quickly perish;—on the
other hauil, a cold or dry atmosphere is always prejudicial. Suspension in the air, which is usually adopted
with so much advantage in cases where the flower-scapes are pendulous, is here unsuitable, ¡md if on a
block of wood is certainly fatal, Anotber danger to weakly plants is their proneness to make a succession
of attempts; to flower, which, although abortive, are still persisted in until death ensues from sheer
exhaustion. To meet cases of this description, it is advisable to remove the flower-stems as tliey appear,
until the plants have gathered strengtli enough to support them without risk of injurj-.
C. mncrantha is, perhaps, the most robust, as it is certainly tlie most wonderful, species of the genus:
it may, indeed, be que.stioned whether the whole tribe of Orchidacese can oiler anything more unaccountiible
or extraordinary than its huge elaborate flowers, which are so unlike aught that is ordinarily met with in
the vegetable world as to be not imfrequently regarded rather us examples of the modeller's skill than of
the plastic powers of Nature.*
In the Vignette an Indian claims c
the native costumes of Guatemala.
r notice, attired in one of the most striking and characteristic of
• When flowers of ilii»
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ihe wonders of n Iropicil Flnrn—they w
•he Bnmnic Garden, uarcel; rrmovcil ihirir •iiipicini