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C TI Y S Í S L OE V 1 S ;
S M O O T I I - L I P P U D d l Y S r S .
T n m u s : E1'1 DENDUE/E.—LINDIBY.
C r i Y S l S . * Lmtlh'j in But. Retj. -iiib. t. 1937.
SEPAI.A paulo connal.T patulii ; liitcvaliii pctli producto coliimiiiv ailnata et calf.ar
simiilantia. Pétala scpalis conloi'mia. Laliclliiin trilobuni, piitiiluiii, veni» liasi
callosis. Coluniiia marginata, canaliciilafa niiitica. Antliera subrotuluia iipereularis,
glabra, l'ollinia 8 iii laminarn lutcani semifusa ; quatuor cxterioribus teiniibus
(piatuor interiora crassiora abseoudentibus. Kostelluni lamiiuituni convcxiini.—
Ilcrbir e]iipll.vtiL' occidentales ab arboribus |ienduliiN caulibus incrassatis, Ibliis
nervosis basi vaginantibus, racemis lateralibus niultilloris.
CHYSIS loei-is; bracteis brevibus ovatis pedicelli longitudine, sepalo dorsali lineayi-oblongo lateralibus
acuminaüs, pclalis falcatis, labelli lobis lateralibus faleatis apice rolundatis supr.i coluinnain convergentibus
intermedio membranaceo crispo subrotondo emarginato lamcllis 5 carnosis glaberrimis parallelis lateralibus
minoribus, columna basi altè excavatil. £hn/^. Bat. lic}^. 1840, mhc. 130.
Habitat in 1/r.r/co.—Ross.
D c s c f i y t t o t i .
STEMS chih-shaped, a foot loitff, pendulous. LE.W'ES shortly than, the ntcm, wared, plicated,
ocate-lancwlate, acnmiiiate. J.'.ii'E.wES pendulom, enohcd from among the ulteathin;/ sealea at the
base of the stem. Bii.lCTS short, two or'three on the stem, to whieh theij closely adhere. The upper
SEPAL is Imear-oblong; the lateral ones acnminate, iipicards of an inch long. PETALS falcate,
about the same si:e as the sepals, and lihe them of a bright yellow. Lit- three-bhed.—tlu! lateral
Icibes, which fold over the colmnn. being falcate and rouaded at the ends: the middle lobe roundish,
rcn/ much curled at the edges, slightly emarginate, with fire perfeethj smooth parallel ehmated
plates, conjlnent at the base (the side plates being the smallest); thr. colour of the lip is gellow, with
orange dots and streaks distributed about the dish. COLEMN deeply hollowed at its base.
TIILS, the finest species of a most singular genus, «as discovered in Mexico by Mr. IIAIIKESS
collector, and by bin. sent to Springfield, Nvliere it flowered freely in 1840. 11 has a more robust liabil than
either C. aurea or C. bracteseem; its tloivers are also larger, and produced in more conspicuous racemes.
All the species, being naturally of a pendulous habit, require to be suspended in the stove; they are,
however, objects of greater interest to tlie botanist than to the cultivator, for tlie bundles of liowers, pretty
though they be, bear no sort of proportion to the huge umvieldy stems from «hioh ttiey spring; they last,
moreover, for only a short time.
n melting ; tlio [lallcn-mi re ruBCl logcllier.—Boi. «fg. H
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