O I T C I ID IIILT M OK N I T H O IR. W Y Ì ^ C ÍHl il"^ M .
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T A B . IV.
ONCIDIUM folüs lauceoliitis bulbo oblongo compresso 2-3 phyllo 4-pío longioribus, scapis penclulis
p a n i c u l a ü s ; sepalis petalisquc subfcqualibus spathulatis ; labello siil)()andurifornii apice emarginato, crista
7-dactylà ; columna» co ron atte Ion ge rostrata; alis duabus cuneatis erectis rostro recto :—IIumbo! di el
Kunth. quihusdam nmlath.
Habitnl in Mechoacan, H
KUNTH, Noca Genera ct speciei P/tinlarum I. 345. t. 8
; Oaxacà, LODDICES; Guatemala, SKINNER,
B e s c f i p t i o n .
Ai\ EPIPHYTE, PSEUDO-BULBS oblong, or occasionully ovate, striated, cow pressed, I or 2
inches long, bearing 2 or 3 lanceolate, acute, shining, diijhtlij coriaceous narrow LEAVES, of from imif
a foot to afoot in length. SCAPES pendulous, branched, muny-Jloivcred, longer Utan the leucrs.
SEPALS and PETALS spathulate, ncarhj equal, of a beautiful rosy-Lilac colour. LIP jiddh-shaped.
^-lobed, the central lobe is long and narrow, but spread out towards the apc.v, which in eniarginate.;
near the centre the margin is reflexed, as is that of the lateral lobes, to such an extent that the;/
appear cxtremdy narrow, and theg li/iewise clasp the sepals which are placed hmnediatelg in their
rear; in colour, the Up resembles the sepals, but is of rather a deeper hue, and its crest is of a deep
orange. The crest 'is composed of 7 tubercles, of which the. one that occupies the centre is the tallest,
and has 3 points. COLUMS, composed of a curious 2-lobedJiesluj bodij, of which the head is turned
backwards; near its apex start the two icings, which are toothed, and between them projects
the curious straight beah, which is formed by the Ay TUER on the upper side, and by a projection
of the column on the under; the GLAND of the POLLEY-M ASSES, and the CAVDICULA or ST HAP
which connects them with it, arc stretched across this beak.
T i n s singularly beautiful species of Oncidium apjjcars to inhabit an extensive range oi' country;
move so, indeed, than is usually allotted to the epiphitical species of its tribe. It was found originally by
HUMBOLDT, during his memorable visit to Mexico, near the Town of Valkdolid. in the Province oi' Mechoac
a n ; but although figured upwards of twenty years ago in the "Nova Genera, &e." of himself and M.
KUXTU. it had never been seen in Europe in a living state until the summer of 1830, when it was received
almost simultaneously by the Messrs. LoomciES, from Oaxaca, and by ourselves from Guatemala, We need
scarcely state, that, in the latter case, Mr. SKIXXER was the sender.
Messrs. LODDIOES" plants were the first to flower; and our figure was derived from a specimen, produced
in December last, in their rich collection. Shortly afterwards, our o\vn plants came into blow ; but,
with the exception of having ratlier stilFer and shorter flower-spikes, they did not differ perceptibly from
their brethren of Oaxaca,
The column and anther of this species arc sufficiently like the neck and beak of a bird, to justify the
specific name given to it by its illustrious discovcrer; but, in addition ta these points of resemblance, the
whole figure of the flower approaches, in our opinion, very closely to tliat of a bird when (lying at the top of
its speed; or its long rosy labellum may be likened to the flowing train of a fairy passing nimbly through