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STAKIIOPE I socmío; folüs lineari-lanceoliitis scapis pimcitlopis brcvioribns: sepalis oUklut ovatis,
petalisqub oblongo-Umccoktis «cutis u.Kluk.üs, reflcxis :-Iab(,Uo medio vis conslricío; hypocl.ilio abrupUet
alli saccato ; mctadiilio connibus masimis ascenclcnlibus inciiiTis comprcssis ulnntluc mstruclo ; cpicliilio
ovalo Irilobo, sabtils carinato Itilobo, lobis lateralibus cvectis truncalis intcniwilio minore apiciilalo
collimníl marginata.
LEÍVES, inclmlmg the petiole, abet a fmt lo»,,, nmrw,,,. acummute, longer than the «xip«.
Sc tms 2-3 Hon-cral, about the length of the 1'P.BICELLS, ami atnmt entireUj dotheil with amle
nheathma B„AÜTS. SEPALS and PETALS nmeh waecd at the ,Ml,sin anil exlremitm, and liinied
enlireli, bach, the former obliqnetu orate, the latter oblong-hinceolale ,• both of them being of a pate
straw colour. spriiMed idth rinoiiK spot»: at the ba«, howerer. of the sepah thcre üan interneora,,!,e
shade, which has the effect of beimj reflected from the interior of the pouch of the lip. At the base
of the Ln- there is ddeep perpendicular pouch, which glows inside, with the most brilliant oraiuje:
all,iched to the front of thiipoach.oneiihersidii, are pUiccd two ririj large par,dlclfialtened fat
Hanxs, bent slightly inwards; between these horns is stationed an ocate three-cleft flcshg process,
the lateral lobes of which are bent upwards, and ratUr truneatci, the central lobe being apiaitatc
and shorter than the side ones. CoLUAlu arched furnished, at its upper portion, with an oral
membranous margin, where it almost touches the harm of the lip: both lip and eolnmn are high y
polished, and of a dirty whitiA hue, sprinhled with Minute spots of the same colour as those in the
sepals. .
Tins elerant litflo Slaniiopea was discoverocl by Mr. SIIIS»EH in some part of Cuatemala, bul,
uufortimalclv, ^ aro „ol iu possession of ils precise localily; »"hich is II,e more to be resetted as ,1 v«» never
met ,-ilh except on ouo occasion. We received it in 1837. and it flowered profusely l^.e lollovvmg s ^me,^
it is almost needless to add that it. management is attended »itl, no difficulty whatcer ludependenUy
of its peenliar flowers, the sm narrow leaves of tlds plant readily distinguish it from all other species of
tlie genus wliich have, as yet, fciken up their abode in our stoves.
The awful personages represented below are copied from a ciu-ioits print in Mr Geo nor ACK««>.M N'S
possession, aud which he most obligingly lent to ns for the occasion. Figures, similarly habited, stil w ^ fl.
L e t s of Guatemala on certain public days, üieir office being to strike terror and coflecl co,.tr,but,o„s
among the spectators.