il ii;:
W U f T E - L I P P E l ) O l S C I D I U M .
O N C I D I U M . — A c t . Holm. 239. 1S(M). Brown in Horf. Keir. Ó. 21Ù.
PERIA>"TI1IU!VI oxplanatum. Sepala srupiùs iiiidnlata; latcralihus nunc sal»
labello oonnalis. Petalia conlonnia. Labolluni maxiniiiin ccalcavaliim, cani
colnninà continunm, variò lobatnin, basi (nbeiTalatum v. cnstatun». Oibinniii
libera, scmiteres, apice utrinqne alata. Anthora scmibilucnlaris, rnstellu ninuabbreviato,
mine clongato rostrato. Pollinia 2, postic«" sulcata, candiciilA plana,
g:Iandula oblonga. — Ilerbii- epiphytic, nnne psendo-bnlbosie. l'olia coriacea.
Scapi paniculati vaginati, rariùs simplices. Flores speciosi, latei, stepiùs maculati,
raro albi.—Ltndleij, Gen. ci Sp. Orch.WìC).
ONCIDIUM pseitdo-bulbis ovatis sulcatìs 1-2 phyìlis, foliis ensiionnibus scapo (jxaltato paniculiUo
multo brevioribus, sepalis petalisque oblongis obtusis subasqualibus patentissimis, labiìUo reniformi alte bilobo
utrinque emarginato: laciniis laleralibus naiiis rctusis, crista 3-corni basi utrinque dentato, columnit;
alis acinacilbrmibus crenulatis.
Habitat in Guatemala.—SÌCIXKEU.
D e S c f i p t i o i t .
A\ Epiphyte. Pseudo-iìvibs deeplìj sulmtcd, ovate, tapcriiir/ towards the apcx,compr<:ssv.d
at the edges, from 2 io 4 inches Iona, tliroiving out nuvicrom slender ivinj roots. Lea ves; stoordshapcd,
a foot or more long, one and sometimcji tivo on each pseiido-hulb. Scape, ZA fee.t high,
ijiiife erect, bearing from- its very eonimencemeiit numeroits branches, on which the Jlowers an:
rather looselg seat tercd. Sep a ls and Petals ncurlj/ equal, oblong, obtnsv, spread w ide open,
of a bright green colour, blotched with a rich reddish brown. Lip pure white, lobed ; the lateral
lobes small, rounded; the middle lobe hroadlg hidneg-shaped, emarginate.. Cheut, consisting of
o tubcrclen. of which I he 2 outer «re thin and sharp, the 2 inner Jleshg and straight, and the
middle one, {which is much the largest,) resembling in form the horn of a rhinoceros, pointing
towards the base. Wiyos of the Colvji.v cremdatc, scimrtar-shaped, of a faint rose-colour.
T H E extensive genus Oncidium, which now comprelientls upwards of sixty species, contains
none more distinct or remarkable,—we had almost said, more beautiful,—than our present subject.
In habit O. leucochiluin is large and statclj", and approaches 0. aUi-inimuvi, Baueri, and pictiim; but
its flower-stems have the peculiarity of behig branched from the very base, wliieh we have never observed
in any other species. Its most characteristic feature is, liowever, the well-proportioned puj-e-white
labellum. which contrasts agreeably with the dark green sepals and petals. Tlie rose-coloured wings of
the column likewise add to the elegance of the (lower. In 0. 2>vlchcllum (which offers the only t other
known example of a white lubcUtm), not only is the habit totally diiierent, but the lip is spotted
• "So iinracil iVom Syat, n iiii
cr «msccncics."—L.SDL1.Y.
i Somciliing like r> >vhitc laMlu,
>iir; llic genus being composed u holly ol" apccics, tlic Inbcllum of ivliicli bears ai iu bu«« »aru, i
is Tounil in a lilllc speeics, c.illecl 0. Imialnm ; but it is n very ilirty uliile. mid niso bloiclicil tvitli brc
-^.'é- .'c^'a, ctSffTj ¡$9 Pt^aulilfy //S37.
M. Gaia. //anA OUCM. /¡«//¿U SV '