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T A B . XX.
O D O N T O G L O S S U M . — / / I I M Î O M Î ^ Kiiiilli. Nov. geji. et spe.^Liiull. Sert. Orchid, xxv.—
Orchid, ffeii. et spe. 211.
PERIANTIIIOM explaiiatiini. Scpala lateialia patula, libera. Labellum pianura,
ungiiiciilatum, asccnilens, limbo vellexo diviso donlato, apicc angustato ; basi concavuin
crista bilainellatà ran'» liinbviatà soepius anticù bidcntatà auctani. Columiia
dongata, apice aiiriculala aut aptei-a. Pollinia 2. Herbie Americana- epiphyta;,
pseudo-bulbosa'. Scapi soepiùs radicales, lloribus spociosis.
OUOSTOOIOSSUM Imtatum; pseilclo-bulbis ovalibus ancipitibus plcrumfiniS tlipliyllis, folLis oblongolanceoktis
scapo radicali flexuoso paniculate 5-plo brevioriblls, bractds brcïibua, aoutis, sepalis petalisqae
subicqualibus ovali-lanceolatis acuminatis nnclulatis, labdll tribbi l.astaU lobis lalcralibus oblongo-roluiiclatis
incurvii, intermedio 3-plo longiore unguiculate acuminato, basi 4-kmellato, columniu iilis intogris ciinoatis.
llahitat in Mexico.—LODDIG ES.
PSEVDO-BVLBS oml, ihurp al the edtjes, a-ilh a few prmiiineiit riilgct, from tin to three inches
long hearimj sometimes one, but more fre<ineuthj tioo, ohlong-lanccolate shining sharp-pointed
LE.U'ES, of ahont a foot in length. From hetxeen the ba.ie of the psenilo-bnib, and a sheothing
radical leaf, springs the SC.AFE, rising in a sonmchat zigzag maimer to the. height of from three to
four feet or npicards, branched, and bearing nnmerons flowers. BRACTS, short, aatte, sheathing,
'sessile, occurring at intercals of four or fee inches. Sei'MS and PETALS similar in form and
colour, oral-lanceolate, sUghthj acuminate, almost an inch long, great, u-.ith rich reddi.ih-eheMnnl
blotclm. LIP three-lobe,I, the lateral lobes roundish-oblong, enrring inwards, pure white, the intermediate
lobe thrice the length of the lateral oms, narrow at its base, where the edges are depressed,
oborate, acuminate, „ellowish-green at the ape.c, bnt a purplish or reddish-brown at the base, where
are situate four oblong, derated, longitudinal plates, of which the two central ones are beahed, and
e.rteiid forward bei/ond those at the sides.-all being whitush streaked with pmple; the entire length
of the lip slightbi e.i-ceeds that of the sepals and petals. CoLL'MX at right angles with the lip,
hollowed out at the base, furnished, near its apex, with wedge-shaped rouniled wings, which, lihe
itself, are white.
0 n t drawing of lilis new Odontoglossum was obtained, in the spring of 18.18, from tiie rich establishment
of the McssS. LODDIGES, by wiom it liad been introducc<l, from Mexico, in the preceding year.
It is a pleasing and clegiml species,—its flowers are vei^ duraUc,—and its cultivation is attended witli no
dilliculty whatever.
• So cttllcd from lA.«, ¡i " wolh." and yW«. a " longue," hi nlluaion lo the IL-ciIi nhicli arc found al ihc basa of üio ILi).
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M A S T A T U M .