im P R E F A C E .
T h e completion of his Work affords tlie autlior an opportunity of apologizing for the delays that have
attended its publication, and -which he fears must have Uixed the patience of many of his sui)scnbers.
These delays were not, however, under his own control, but were owing, in part, to the difficulties which
an author, resident in the country, experiences when publishing a work in town ; and, in part, to the dilatoiy
blooming of particular plants, without which the series of illustrations would have been incomplete.
The present is also the most suil<ible occasion for oticring his grateful acknowledgments to the
botanical friends who have so kindly assisted him in the progress of his undertaking. 'I'D those distinguished
foreigners, Professor Von Martius, of Munich;—Professor Poeppig, of Leipsig;—Dr. Endlichcr,
of Vienna ;—and Dr. Klotzsch, of Berhn, his thanks arc especially due, for the facilities atforded him in the
examination of the herbaria under their care. Mis obligations to many ol" the leading British cultivators
are expressed in the letter-press which accompanies the representations of the plants they respectively
T o Professor Lindley a separate and more ample acknowledgment must be paid, as nothing could
exceed the kindness with which he has given his invaluable advice and ready help in the numerous instances
in which both were greatly needed.
KsYPEasLEY HAUL, August 1, 1S45.