t ' 'IP L IE Y A S K I W M- .IE I t I ,
^••F ÀJ, J HUI^.AJ H„N.' U
T A B . X I I I .
CATTLEYA. Linilaj, Gen. et Sp. Orcli. 110.
P e r i a n t i i i t i m csi)l;inatum. Scpala patcniia, requalia. Pelala sicpìùs
m a j o r a . Labüllum cuculiatimi, coluinnam involvens (varissimo liberum) triloljum
vel indivisum. Columna clavata, elongata, semiteves, marginata, cum labello artic
u l a t a . Anthcra carnosa, 4-loculavis, scptorum marginlbus mumbranaceis. Pollinia
4 , caudiculis totidem roplicatis.—Hcrbic Americana! cpiphytre. Folia coriacea.
F l o r e s speciosissimi, sffipe c spathà magna erumpentes.
Cattleya Skinneri; pseudo-bulbis valdè incrassatís compressis dipliyllis foliis oblongis duplo longioribus:
racemo denso brevi multiftovo. Scpalis lincari-lanccolatis iiculis, pctalis ovalibus undidiitis duplo
liitiorlbus : labello integro InllmdlbuUronnl emarginato obtuso, columni nani 4-plo longlore.
Jlabiíaí In GwniemnM.—Skinneh.
Pseiuh-bidbous STEMS veri/nmch incmsmtcd, jointed, eoinpressed, about a foot long, ierminateit
by two oblong fleshy LE.IVES, from four to six inelies long. RACEME short, ümimj from a large
SPATBE, composed of from four to ticelre flowers, chatered together. SEPAL.I tinmr-lanceolute,
acute tiro inches Ion,/, of a rich rosy km. PETALS hroadlg oml, time the width of the sepals,
waved at the edges', and rose-coloured. LIP entire or very obscurely three-lobed, funnel-shaped,
folded closely ore,- the column, of which it is more than four times the length-, towards the middle
the Up U bent downwards, and i-erg much constricted, hut spreads open at its upper extrmnity ;
erternall,, it is of the same hue as tlu, petals, but all round its interior etlges there is a band of the
most intense cri,nson. which passes, to,cards its disk, into a dirty white; one small elerated ndge
traverses, longitudinally, its entire hnglh. COLVMH dicarf, about one th.rd of an ,NA M length.
U n t i l wltlii» IW l.sl fe» vears, the extensivo province of Gaatcmala l..,l continned quite a " ¡erra imajnila '
to the admirer, of Orchid.ee», ,vl,o »ere ready, aevertheloss, lo regard it as a riel, slorehoa.e of Ihe.r avoarite p ^
¡a eonsequeaee of ll.e W n beauty of llie tribe ia Mexieo and Paaama.-lhe two exlrennt.e. ol llial reuiark.Me
Istha,.., of .vMcl, Gualemal. i> iuelf ll.e eenlre. Tl,e su,all namber of European aod aloos lol.J absenee of Eagb.,,
resideats, l,ad rendered the .tlnia,aenl of any precise iafor.a.liou as lo ,1, natural las ory .11 bul „apo..,ble ; and o
have dispaici,ed a botanical collector on a ,«¡s.¡oa te a coaatry whose Flon, possessed only a coajcctard lateresl «.s
loo wild a specalallon. evea for Orchi,lo-,„ania to vealare oa. Thing, m.ghl . ,11 have ,c«,a,a,d „, lh,s anU,.,aB
stale had we act .ccid.al>dl, heard that so,ae Insect, had bee« received ,a M.aehesler lro,n a ge,,t en,.» ol the aai„.
of Sk,»x„ the owner of cx'tensive estates in Gaalcaala, aad the parlaer ,a a tlounslaug „,erco,t,le Srn, lu the .sa,ne
eonnlry.t This piece of latelbgeace i,„,aedi,lely broaghl with it a faiul glca,n ol hope ; lor, a. enlomolop and hotaay
ar. ki,2ed scicaces, we were at ao loss to persuade oarselves 11,.I he who had done so ,nuc, for the one, .njghl
Z M X l.,apted to lend a helping haad to the other. We accordingly addressed a letter to Ma SK,>™a, ,a wh.ch
we fntakly de.scrlbed the clrcamslances of tie ease, and h«,nbly craved h,s assistaace. Th.s letler, add cssed as t
vL to ua entire rtcauger, aad 0« a troubleso,ne erraad, we coald scarcely expect to see other«,sc ll.a coolly r ce,ved,
f"ot altogether disreLrded ¡-that sacl,, at least, is the f.le of ,nost opistles of lis class, a host ol Jsappo.nled su,tors
,11 I ™ us oul ia ,uiniag .aasl we d, that evea the promises of ze.doas aid, wh,eh the a.ore forta,,ale apphcaats
e l e a " Z Z L , u J lost sight of .,ald the difficaltles that oppose their fuiab.ent, or are d,..el,ed . . d „ the
encr«,t ug rays of a tropici san I Bal with M,. the case was to elherw.se. Fro,« the moment ,e reee.ved
»«Wlcrf S , . » labonr'd ulmost iaces»„tly to drag from Ibel, hidiag place, the forest treasures of Gaatcada, and
• So Cttllod by Professor Liiidlcy in lionoiir of Üie late Mr. Catiley, of Darnel, one of llie cwlicsl, mo
Df Üie Orcliidncco).
t Mr. Skinror is ll.e son of d.c Rev. Jolm Skinner. Episcopal Clergyman at For&r, and the grandson of Biihop Skmnor,
escoUfUl scliolar, as hi« numerous works abundantly testify.
and successful cultivaiors
divine and