52 Jlndrewsia paniculata.
P lant from three to twelve inches high, but not often exceeding
a span. Root small, fibrous, annual. Stem upright, yellowish-green,
smooth. Branches few, opposite. Flowers pedunculate, lateral and
terminal—often only terminal. Petals straw-yellow, linear, acute, seldom
fully expanded. Stamens constantly four in number, about the
length of the petals. Grows among moss, and in Cranberry swamps
and morasses, and prefers shady, moist, and retired places filled with
sphagnum; throughout the Union—not very common. Flowering
time from July till September.
An inconspicuous plant, most remarkable for its numerous synonyms.
Sprengel has finally imposed on it the name of Mr. Andrews,
author of an elegant work on the roses.
Table 53. Fig. 2. represents the whole plant in flower, of its commonest