5 0 Arethusa bulbosa.
Grows in sphagnous morasses, from the northernmost to the most
southern section of the Union.—Not common. Flowering time June.
This simple little plant is the only North American species which
can be legitimately retained in the genus Arethusa, as modified by R.
Brown. Its habit is altogether singular, and the plant cannot readily be
confounded with any other of the Orchidean tribe.
The table, fig. l. represents the plant in flower, of its natural size.
SaSEL—3 F S «
Tetrandria Monogynia, Linn. Gentianse, Juss.
Calix 4-parted, appressed. Corolla sub-campanulate, 4-parted, segments somewhat
erect. Stigma thick, glandulous, and partly bifid. Capsule 1-celled, 2-valved,
many-seeded, surrounded by the persistent calix and corolla. Sprengel.
Stem somewhat branched; peduncles opposite, the lower ones branched; segments
of the corolla oval-acute, scarcely longer than the calix j style very short.
C enta ür e lla paniculata, Mich.
C enta ur e lla autumnalis, Pursh.
C enta urium autumnale, Persoon, vol. i. p. 137.
S a gin a Virginica, Willd, tom . i. p. 719.
B artonia tenella, Muhl, and Willd. in Act. Soc. Natur, cur. Berol. 4. v. 3.—and Persoon,
vol. i. p. 141.
B arto nia paniculata, Muhl. Cat. p. 15.
YOL. I I . 1 3