results Tile eloquence
thrown, out by a lied Jacket, in opposition to
the further curtailment of their territory, may,,
shine out, in some of his descendants, to enlighten
his people in agriculture, morals and
political economy. .Noinuglat we to doubt that
the desk and the forum are yet to resound with
Seneca eloquence, -
The traditions of the Tusparora uffen,
that they are descendants of the original family
of Iroquois, who began their existence, or thejr
nationality alleast, at or nea{ the Tails of.the Oswego.
After the migration of-the parent tribe towards
the sea, and their return west and separation
into tribes, this band, went on West till they
reached Lake Erie. From hence they travelled
southwest till they reached the' ,Mississippi,
Part of them ,erossed"thh river, and -were
thus divided. Those who went over, became,-,-in
time, the enemies'of sue% as .remained on^its
eastern banks, and were finally^lost and forgotten
from their memory.
Tarenyawagon, who was the patron of fhf
home bands, did not fail, in this'crisis^;to direct
their way also. After giving them practical instructions
in war and hunting, he guided their
footsteps in their journeys, south and east,, until
they had crossed the Alleganies, and, reached
the shores of the sea, on the coasts-which are
now called the Carolinas.. They were directed
to fix their residence on the banks of the Cay*
tan-o, that is, a pine in the water, now called
IsJeuse river; in North Carolina. By this time
their language was altered, hut not so much but
that they could understand each other. Here
Tarenyawagon'leff themb to hunt, increase and
prosper, whilst he returned to direct the remaining
} FiVe Nations to form their confederacy.
Thus far-the Tuscarora annalist. History picks
up the* Tuscaroras precisely where tradition and
table leave, them. I On the Settlement of Virginia
and the' CarolMas, they* were found to he
the first nation-of any stability of purpose, after
passing the .Powhatanie tribes, in proceeding
' south.. - The intervening coast tribes Were petty
chieftaindbms, ’few in. numbers; and disunited
in* action or policy. 1 They we-rfe" essentially ich-
thiophagi. They,soon fell before the two-fold
influence of idleness and rum, and have left
little or no history,-or traits, worth preservings
Such is -the; history of the. Ghowanokes,* the
Maratocks, and the Mangoacks/whp^.in one?
hundred and twenty years from the date of
ftaleigh-s patent^ . had dwindled from 6,000 to
The Tuscgroras; who Hved in the game coun-
try, on the skirts of the mountains, showed
themselves at the mouths of Cautano or Neuse,
jContentny, and Taw rivers. They Were, at this
Mr. Jefferson thinks (vide Notes, p. 152, Lotion ed. of
lVs^Y, that thi's 'trftfe ^vas cotinected’ with the Tutelar, Notta-
w'ays 4nd- Virginia.
t Wiffiamson.