Recount- e fth e jr^yü^ ê ^ i
:.cient'4ayè the Great Island appeared upoifthcbig waters, the
earthbrdoght forth frees, herbs, Vegetables, &o. The creation
of the land animals: the
and resided in the north ' regionSj and/aftef a-tinae some p f
the people became giants, aod committed.outrages upon the
inhabitants, &c*
' Jincient Shipwreck*—After many years a body of Eagwe-
hoewe people encamped on the bank of a- majestic"-stream,
and was named Kanawage, iiOw the St/J/awrenee. After a
long time a number of .foreign -people" sailed from, export unknown;
but ünfortnnatèlyy béfore they reached their destina^.
tibn the winds drove them contrary; at-'length their ship
Wrecked somewhere on the Southern part of the Oreat island*
and many of the crews perished; a few/active persons1 were
saved; they obtained some implements, and each of them was
covered with a leather,-bags, the big-ha^kS'.carried* them 0»
the; summit of. a mountain and remained'' there but a short
time, i T/he hawks seemed to' threaten them, -add Were compelled
to: leave the mountain. They immediately selected
a place for residence and built a srhall fortification in order
to provide against the attacks "of-furious beasts; if there
should'bo any made., After many-years- the foreign people
wards they were destroyed by the/monsters that ‘bverrumthe
Origin, o f the ÊivéNatwns-.-*-By some inducement'a body-
of people was concealed in the mountain at thé falls named
Kusk'ehsawkick, (now Oswego:.). When the people were released
from the mountain they wrere visited by. Tarenyawa-
gon, that is, the Holder of the Heavens, who had power to
change himself into various shapes; he ordered the people to
proceed towards the sunrise, as he guided them and' came to
a river and named YenonflOtaftAe, that i$,-going round a.foöun-
tain (now Mohawk), and went down the bank of the river
and came to where it discharges into a grèat river running
towards .the'imiddäy-sua; and named Shaw-nay-taw-ty, that
-is, beyond, the PineHes,; (mow Hudson), and werft down the
bank the, riveiyand touched the bank of a great water.
The1 company made .encampment at the place and remained
there a few days, Th^ people were-yet in one language;
some ©f the ppople went on the banks -of the great w^ter
towards the m id d a y ^ f bütfhm main company returned as
they came, on fhe bankmf the -river, under the direction of
the’-Holder of thh.Heüyetfc. Of this- company there was a
.particular body which - called - thßmselyes, one household; of
these^jgÄfeTfc?1' families, and/tbey entered- iifto a-resolntion to
preserve ,jhe Chain of alliance which should not be extinguished
in pny’nianneff' - , ) ^ 1 ~ v V /"-1'
The- Qo#ppny, £<$|an,ced Soma distance up- the river of
S k f^ ^ n a - ib ^ y » (Hudson)5, %e Höld^rmfthe Heavens directs
’1he'jfiT% iam% ma^e theirir^ufence -near -the bank of the
river^ and; the tsaapily Was .’named Te-how-f e-ho-^geh, that is, a
speech divided '(n^w Mohawk), and'their language was soon
altered; the company then-turned and went towards the sun-
setting. and travelled about two days, and a kalfr and come to
a creek* which was named Kaw-ncfrtaw-ie-ry,h, that is, Pineries.
t The second-family was directed to make their residence
neavthe ctecfcand the fem4y w:^;nhmed. Nerhäw-rt-
fe i^ o ,‘that IS,' Big Tree, - now Oneidas,. and. likewise, their
language was altered. The company continued to proceed
towards the sunsetting upder the direction-of, the Holder of
the Heavens. /The third family was directed to make their
residence on a mountain named Onondaga (now Onondaga),
and the family,was named Setih-now-kah-tah, that is,, cairy-
iEgdhe name and their language was" altered.. The company
continued their ypur,ney< towards the 'suflsetting. The fourth
femily was directed to make their residence near a long lake
named 4 ß ^ g oh= that is> a mountain rising from water
"Ibow Caydga), and the family was muned Sho-nea-warwe-to-
* Th‘-e creek now branched of tbe Susquehanna river at the head gene-
, rkliy called-Cok Allen’s lake, ten iniles south of the Oneida Castle.