oettled at Brantford eti the Grand river,
West, EdTff pietelf held their ewn, in |M ,
numbers, and deducting the number of Cay»-
gas, namely, 144, found among the Sçoçcas
Gattarangns, and herewith separateljFÆgturned,
J S Dalton’s estimate .
and Gayugas in 1776, namely, SQO wamprsJfc
each tribe, |p f * £ to ad#ed,to to c en su ^ to
accomplish .the same comparative View 3,?S0
souls. Fromthis estimate, there must be deducted
for a manifest errpr, in the'original estimates
Of Dalton, in putting the G.ayugas < f-* e same
footing of strength with the-Mohawks, n o tless
than 150 warriors or 750 souls, leaving. ■ e .
nadian Iroquois at 3,106—say 2,000 souls.
Adding these items to the returns of the .présent
eensns; and the rather;extraordinary.^;.
wül appear, that there is new existing, m'the
United States and Canada, a population of 6,942
: W u o is , that dsto say,*«« 2 , 1 0 8 ^ ; ^ # «
esthnated number, and that numher^hced as
high as it well could be, at the era. ,of the. revolution
in 1779'. Of this number, 4,836 inhabit
t h e United: States, and a;843.the state of-Hew
York. I eannot, however, submit this result
without expressing the opmion, that the Iroquois^
population, has
die revolutionary war and the present time, than
thë census now denotes;, and
years past, and since they have beewwell lodged
and clothed, imd subsisted by their own labor,
and been exempted f a n the diseases apd casualties
incident to savage life, and the empire of
population has recovered and is
JfOW n ft'tH E INCREASE.. |
i :4-have thus brought to a close, so far as relates,
to their population and industrial efforts,
the inquiry; committed to me respecting this nation.
It would perhaps have gratified statistical
curiosity and .philosophical theory, to; have 'exhibited
fuller data oh the subject of their longevity
and - vital statistics. generally, hut it may
he considered-fh the light of ah achievement to
hdve accomplished thus much. The general
.result indicates five* with a .large fraction, as the
average number of the Iroquois family. Throughout
each canton, the number, of female,s pre-
dominates; over the males'.; This is a fact which
has been lon'g known to hold good with respect
to wandering, predatory and warlike tribes, hut
Was hot anticipated among peaceful, agricultural
communities. But few years, however* have
supervened since they dropped the hatchet and
took hold of the plough; and iri this time, it is
apparent thdt the proportion of males, to females
has approached nearer to an equilibrium.
The effects on vitality of agricultural labor and
a cessation from war, are likewise favorable, so
far as we can judge, compared with the known
results among the sparse, ill-fed, warring and
erratic hunters of the western forests and
prairies." The average number of the Iroquois
family is not higher than the common average
of the hunter state. The number of children