indentations, disclosing carbonaceous matter, as
if from the decay of wood. No wood, or coal,
however, existed. Their use in this position is
not apparent, connected with the designated lines
of palisades, unless it be supposed'that they were
of an older period than the. latter, and designate
pitSj such as the. aborigines - used in (defence.
This idea is favored by the ground being a little
raised at this point, and so formed that it would
have admitted the ancient, circular Indian palisade,
If such were the Gase^ ho^t^er^ if^seemS
evident that the spot had been selected,by the
French, at an early period, when; as |s known,
they attempted to obtain a looting in the Country
of "the Oneidas. The' distance is' less than fen
miles, northwest of Oneida Castle. It probably
covered a mission* The, site,' which my informant,
living near, called the OldFrench Field, may
be supposed to have been cultivated by servants
or traders connected with it. The oak and maple
trees, which once covered it, 'as denoted by the-
existing.foiest, F F, are such, in size and number,
as to have required expert axemen toiell.
With the exception of two points, in the Oneida
Greek valley, where there..are still vestiges,ol
French occupation, .supported by tradition, this
work is the most easterly of those known* which
remain to testify the adventurous spirit, zeal and
perseverance which marked the, attempt of the
French crown to plant the flag and the cross in
western New York. The bold. nature of^.this
scheme to colonize the country, and bring,,pi®'
Irhquoip/to acknowledge their dependence upon
France, and the importance of the experiment
Und the issue, cannot be well conceived without
reference to the history.of those times. Pending
the famous expedition of the Chevalier de Vau-
dreuil,; into the Iroqupis country* it is
known that the" Jesuit Milet was stationed among
the Oneidas, over whom he had so much influence,
that soon after the termination of this
vain display of power, thirty Oneidas deserted
to tdp French, and, desired t that Milet might be<
appointed then pastor.*
I The fact that the mins of a square fort, with
extensive Sub-lines in the nature of an enclosure,
had existed on 'tlie.^evated grounds on the right
banks of the Kasorida br Butternut creek, a mile,
or two from Jamesyille, at the period of its first,
^settlement, -led me to visit' it. There was the
more interest.imparted to this, well attested* tradition
of the present inhabitants* by the accounts
of the Onondagas, that this valley, in its extent
above and* below Jamesville, was one of their,
earliest' poihtsjDf' settlement, prior to the era of
their establishing their council fire at Onondaga
Hollow.' ' The subjoined sketch, although not
plotted .from actual measurement, will convey
an idea of the relative position and former importance
of the principal features, geographical
and artificial, denoted.
* Ooicfetf’s Five Nations, 'P-193.
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