as she-Iferself'says, may have mistaken dates cand misplaced
féfcts. She was hefself bq«h;. in. 171% two yearsaffer' old
• Hendrick’s death; and fixes the'date of his visit, with three
other sachems in 1708 arid
1709: ‘With these data-in-the -reader’s mind, he may he able
; to understand, the folk)wing passage from Mrs. Grririt’s memoirs'.
;W Vi? r- ' i y,-'-.. V "
“ It was the fortune of the writer of these memoirs more
thari thirty-years after, to see that grèrit warrior arid Taithiul
ally óf the British browri, the redbribted\King Hendriek> then
sovereign of the Five-Nations, splendidly arrayed, in aSuft -of
light blue, made in ah antique mode, and trimmed with broad
silver lace, which was probably an hmr loom in (h i fam ily ,
presented to" his fa th er by hiè gbocf ally ah'd'^èii&er, the fe-
maïCkirïgpof EngTaöd.?J;
She héré eVïdently épeakspf the sM of nW KÊMHëndrick,
as^rrayeiliü'a 'suit of hrs fathe^ This^fieaflM ars- to infer,
tbW the son succeeded to* the' ’titles and digiï^yfbf his father,
■and must have enjoyed the same until his death, which was
followed by the installation of Thayendape'gea or Brhnt,’ as
his successor; for fit was him \Ve find ,at the cbrnmehcement
of the revolution, acknowfedged' as the chief captain of the
Mohawks, and minister plenipotentiary of the said Five Nations.