medal,, is the-name Montreal. The initials,’ B. C,' proba>
bly those of the manufacturer,’ are stamped below. On the
opposite side, which was originally, made blank, are/engraved
the words Canetya, Onondagas, which .are doubtless* the
name and tribe of the red rule?, oq whose1 dusky breast * this
ornament was displayed, A valuable token of friendship of
~Sbme British governor of cNew "York, or Canada, to* an’ influential
ally among theBix Nations. There is no date ont-hi'S;
or any of the medals. But this must be at least older than
the revolution, and probably an hundred snows at least,1' have
fallen on the fieldJ where the plough disinterred it, sfoce.+he
chief whose name it has' presefved, was laid to rest with his
I have sent with this, sueh relics and Indian trinkets, as I
could prevail upon our people7her.e to part with.* They ,are less
than I expected to obtain. 'Xhe gun lock, spear head,,axfe,
pieeevjf gun barrel, and .lead, ball, are all of-the size and patterns
usually found. They arb from the farm* of Mr. David
Hinsdale,. in the town of Pompey, west part. All the gun
harrefef or parts of them, are found flattened similar to'%%
Not a perfedt amelias been found. The two parts of the axe,
want about two inches between the broken portions tomake
the bit of the ordinary length. j[ The stone aXes,;; R thought
might interest you. I have no doubt they were Used in flay*
mg amDraisrsIain: in the chase, as^well. as in cleaving- wood*.
I did intend to send you a beautiful gouge of hornblende, but
to my surprise, it is not to be found; the like are.frequently
found here. It proves conclusively; that tbe na.tites'were’ht
an early day acquainted with the virtues of-the , maple,* and
possessed the art of making sugar. I have sE$ft,asyQuwiIl
see, fragments of pipes of many varieties? The patterns
are as various -as the articles are numerous. The specimens
Of glass are different from any I have seefi from any. other
quarter. I think some of the beads may have been used, in
rosaries, for the native proselytes. I have lately Seen a fragment
of a bell, which, when whole, would have weighed pro-
Ifably twb’buridred^pcmiidsj tlie metal is very fine, and from
appearance, this article Must'hâve been of considerable value;
^time and'exposure has nciC changed it in the’ least. When
found'‘'sbSjfeK^en^ was broken up, and the
p'i’éçëS Make' it nearly entire.
-It, âppehrs foe,,rsays Mr. Cusick, very great difficulties
arëib the way'0^ find fog tout arid beedmi'n g acquainted with
“ihe discovery of all ancient traditions, 'and what originalstoek
■we" cafoe ffeifo' *rnsbur féfcoliebtionsextefld, according
to our tradi$dhs( o f many'centuries^ the, .aborigines who inhabited
the vhsfwildernesShi this ' gtefitbontinent, no'«? North
America, fAnd lèd by a Ce^.àîh manç who stood
highest in dignify, ahd nebt to'the Supreme 'Befog, who is
J called Thar$n§ÏÏé&^», 'that fisriblSa^yjObemg'interpreted; the
Holdiér o f o f the red’nien,
*4nd He yégùiafo^ and tought how to divide tfie“ Country and
rivers,tond mode o f their living, and manners df costuMe* and
- ;çérefoOnies; in msfiïy ’ êéntdrihsfif The Tuscarôràs 'were descended
from theirbquüis; >they emigrated'from theFiyeNâ-
tionslfo the sodtheTn country fo"'North ^Carolina, and when
the‘Irdquôis used foishnid èxpéditiôhs/and war parties to go
to war* with other Indian trib'#'lfo that quarter,'these parti#
went to the TûSc&rora town's ift Nbrth C arolina, and found- a
resting plafcè'hnd refreshment, and they used to "be In the habit
of intermarriage1 with each other; they have never been to
war'against each other, and they were always*-ton terms of
.good friendship and bS^iekldn. - "And therefore we considered
that the .'Çutoarorà rfat’ièn helôifgéd to thé Six Nations from
ancieftf times.* BeforeTfiérffi#qyery by 'Columbus, the Tus-
caroras Coifeisfed of six towns, and they were à most powerful
nation, numbering more than twelve thousand warriors. But
maùÿ combinations, and cOuSes fell uponthe Tuscarora nation,
- andtoey became diminished"in their nuînbeîs, bÿ wars and