It appeardfftrom a letter written by Richard
Randolph- Esq/, of Virginia, dated April 1, 1842,
that Podahontas and her husband, Mr. Rolfe,
arrived at Plymouth on the 12th of June, 1616.
•Whilst in England, where their son Thomas
Iras born, their portraits were taken at the request
of Mr. Rolfe V relatives. In the act of
returning to America, whfeA they had reached
Gravesend; on the Thames, Pocahontas was
' seized with the small-pox, and died at that
place, early in the year 1617, being then, according
to the best accounts, in her twentieth
... year. .
Her husband continued his voyage, and returned
to »Virginia, after having left her son
Thomas with his brother, Mr. Henry Rolfe, to
be brought up and educated. When Thomas
Rolfe. junior had completed his education» he
also went to Virginia, where he married,.apd had
a daughter named Jane. Jane Rolfe, tWpand-
daughter of Pocahontas married Col. Thomas
Bolling,#by whom she, had a son named John.
John Bolling, the great-gran d-sda of Pocahontas,
marrying, had ^ daughter, bearing his mother’s
name, Jane, who married Richard Randolph of
Curies, Henrico fcounty, Virginia. Ryland Randolph,
a son by this marriage, being the fourth
remove in a direct line from Pocahontas, was
educated in England, and having learned after
his return that portraits of Pocahontas and of