the Missouri and Mississippi, Called the
du Prairie. Pipes were also made from clay,
tempered with some silicious or felspathique
material, similar to that used in their ancient
Opoaguna Algonquin {Fig. ll)^-The “composition
of this pipe is d compact" brown. day, tempered
with a fine silicious matter, and dried in
the sun, not baked in a potter’s oyeri. Thd.exterior
is stained black, and bears a certain gloss,
not a glazing. The bowl has been Formed by
hand, arid is rude: The principal point of skill
is evinced in the twist ornamenting the exferior
of the bowl. Locality, Genesee river valle f V.
Fig. ÜÜ
• Opoagam Aztec (Pig. 12)—The material is. a
■ species of tcitp cotta, or reddish earthenware,
to fracture discloses, very minute shining particles,
which appear to be mica. Probably the
W e d ie n t used to temper the clay, was pounded
granite The features resemble, very strikingly,
|,„)Sc of Vesico and Central America. Onondaga
county. "
Fig. 13.
Opwgum lberic {Fig. 13).-Material, a slate
-W-. I --- C iV lQ T T l M P P . K .